Something new

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Sad Marilyn's P. O. V.


I turned around in my bed to look at the beautiful morning light shine through my window. I usually didn't like mornings, but this one was pretty grand. I felt today would be a good day. I jumped out of bed and pulled the sheets off my mattress. Time to get rid of her. Her disgusting chemicalizing smell. I wasn't going to mope around all day feeling sorry for myself.

I threw all the sheets on the floor and stripped my clothes off as well. I kicked them to the side and went to my bathroom. I turned on the shower and water sprayed down. I hopped in and washed all over. It felt good. Real good. I got out and wrapped a towel around my perfect body. I smiled and turned to my mirror. I took my razor and started to shave my face. After I was done I blow dried my hair, making sure to straighten it afterwards. The half shaved part of my hair was starting to grow out; I think in needed another haircut.

I took my clothes and sheets to the laundry room and put them in the washing machine. Threw in a bit of fabric softener and I walked back upstairs to my bedroom to put on some clothes. I put on a pair of my black skinny jeans and a v-neck black shirt. I went to the bathroom and opened my bottle of eyeliner. I slowly put it on and I put a little wing at the end. I look so gay. I chuckled to myself. I put on my dark red lipstick, going somewhat past my regular lip line. I put on my mascara and put some powder on my face. "I'm so sexy." I said to myself as I walked out of my bedroom, grabbing my keys to my car.

This wasn't a chick flick. I needed to get back to work. I still had concerts to go to. Music to write. Interviews to attend too. I couldn't just bail out now, not when I'm at the peek of my popularity. So I cranked up my car and took off to see about Twiggy and the guys. To start something new.


Sam's P. O. V.

I got in the shower and put on some clothes. I was taking Leonna out today. Yeah, it's was cheesy but I wanted to do something for her. She deserves to get out. Live a little. I turned to look at her but she seemed to be in a trance. "Leonna?" I said as I snapped my fingers in front of her face, pulling her from her trace. She looked at me with a worried face. More sad than worried though. "What?" I asked lovingly as I caressed her face. She looked down at the ground while twirling a strand of her hair in her hand.

"Nothing, I guess. I don't know why I'm so worried." She put a hand to her stomach then removed it slowly. Her perfect green eyes looked through mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist. She put her head in the crook of my neck and cried. "Baby, please don't cry. Tell me what's wrong." I cupped her cheek and she cried harder. "Willow?" I whispered. She shook her head. "Marilyn?" She didn't answer, she just cried more.

I pulled her away and sighed. "Why?" I asked her looking at the ground. She sniffled and wiped her nose with her hand. She shook her head. "What?" She said in a choked up voice. I looked at her sharply. "It's always him. Always. So whenever we make love or I kiss you, you seem to always tell me that you love me. I know you don't. So why. Why do you say that?"

She looked down and stretched her arms out, reveling her hideous cuts, that now have sealed over into a bunch of messed up scars. "Because," she whispered to me. "I want someone to love me." Her voice got caught in her throat. "Do you know how many years it was after my family died that I had no one? I was alone. By myself. Stuck in a room. Therapist continually shoving some kind of crap down my throat. I was depressed. I was broken beyond repair. I can't undo what was done."

She looked at the ground and smiled. "Then Marilyn came along. And I felt...pretty good. He told me all the right things. And someone actually loved me. I felt so great." My breathing was raged but I listened further to what she had to say. "So just imagine," she said sharply looking at me again. "Someone you loved so much saying I hate you to your face. Just imagine that. Imagine your baby dying inside of you! Imagine that! So that's why! That why I'm crying! That's why I'm hurting! So let me fucking breathe!"

She got up and started for the door but I stopped her and grabbed her wrist softly. "I'm sorry, Leonna. You're right." She stopped and let a single tear run down her face. Her mouth crumpled in a weird way and she put a hand over her mouth. She fell on the ground and almost started throwing up. I wondered what was wrong. I kneeled beside her. "What's wrong?" She pushed me away. "Nothing." She stood back up and went downstairs and sat on the couch.

I sat down beside her. I nudged her arm a tad bit. "What's your favorite song?" The corners of her mouth turned up into a smile. She looked at me and laughed a little. "I don't like you." She muttered and smiled. "I know. I'm trying to change the subject, dear." I drew little circles on her arm. "Well, I like Elvis." I opened my mouth and gasped. "Really?!" She nodded and blushed. I nodded slowly. "I can dig Elvis..." She laughed and hit my shoulder. "What's your favorite song of his?" She thought on it for a little while. "I can't help falling in love with you." She giggled.

"Why?" I asked curiously. "I just-I like songs about love." She laughed and put a hand over her mouth. That day ended pretty good. But the next few days wasn't too pleasant


I literally hate what I'm about to do with this story, but in like three or four more chapters....this book will sadly come to an end😫😖
Hope you will vote and comment on my story so far.

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