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Marilyn went to work that morning and I still haven't texted Sam back. That was the good thing about Sam. He never really bothered you. If he texted once he didn't text back until after you did. He didn't blow up your phone or nothing like that. He was laid back and cool. I really did miss him. Just a little. I can understand why he did what he did. I wouldn't want to be with me either. Oh yeah, and I got me a bottle of hair color. This time it was going to be red. A deep blood red. Not all bright and shit. I'll color it later.
But for now, I'll have to text Sam back.

Me: Sam, I know you want to get back together with me. But I'm already with Marilyn. I love Marilyn but I love you deeply as well. I will have coffee with you. We can be friends. But nothing more.

I sent the text and turned off my phone with shaky hands. I laid the phone down and sat on the bed. I breathed out a breath and tried to relax. My phone buzzed in my hand, and I jumped.

Him: okay, that's totally fine with me. Tbh I didn't think you would text me back. And can I meet you at the coffee shop around 5?

It was already 4:23. I guess I could hurry and get ready in that amount of time.

Me: yeah. That'll be great.

Him: okay. I'll see you then.

I put my phone on the bed and ran to my closet. I looked at what I had. Yoga pants, dresses, shorts, crop tops, nothing worth looking at. Ugh!!! I got a my chemical romance crop top and my black jeans. After I put them on I got my combat boots and slid them on. I looked at my hair. I groaned. It looked like shit. I got my phone and texted him.

Me: how about at 6? I have to do something really important. Will that be okay?

Him: yea, sure. Take your time.

I hurled my phone on the bed and got my red hair color. This will have to be quick.

An hour later...

My hair looked better than I thought it would be. The color matched with my skin tone and everything. It looked like my natural hair color. Yes, I'm naturally a red head. I guess that's why I'm so I don't know.

I hurried and brushed my teeth and hair. I kept my hair down. My hair wasn't just above my waist so it didn't matter. It was a little poofy but it was okay. It was 5:58 right now. "Shit shit shit." I muttered. I grabbed my purse and my car keys and went off.

I had to drive at the speed of light to get there. He probably thinks I stood him up. Shit. I drove up in the parking lot of the coffee shop and quickly parked my car. I ran to the coffee shop and hurriedly opened the door. I looked at my phone. 6:10. Daammmnnnn!!! I walked inside and saw Sam wearing a dark black shirt and black jeans. His hair a wonderful chestnut brown. He looked nervous and looked at his clock. I caught my breath and slowly walked over to him. Once he saw me his eyes lit up. He stood up but accidentally hit the table in the process. He giggled and put a hand over my mouth. He laughed. "H...hey." He said sounding a bit embarrassed. I removed my hand and smiled. "Hey." I said. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment until I looked down. He jumped back. "Well.." He motioned at the table. "Have a seat?" I nodded and we took our seats. "First off-" he began. I cut him off. "No, Sam, it's fine. You don't have to explain. You left, because I just told you my whole life story in a few sentences. You had the right to leave." He gave me a worry look. He sighed and looked at the table. "I know. But I should have stayed. If I would have known what you would've done then I-" I cut him off again. "But you didn't." I whispered to him while grabbing his hand. "The only thing that really hurt me was that you said you didn't give a shit if I died or not." He jerked his head up at me. "What?" I gave him a confused look. "When I asked for you at the hospital, Marilyn said you said you didn't care if I lived or died. You did say that, right?" He shook his head in a slow manner. "I did go to the hospital. I ran. I didn't drive. But when I got there he was there and he said if I showed up again he'd kill me. I tried to fight him but the nurses pulled me off and sent me off the premises. I fought to see you, Leonna. I didn't give up on you. I loved you. I still do. I just didn't know when the right time was to text you. I thought you needed your space." I had my mouth wide open. "M...Marilyn lied me?" I put a hand over my mouth and started to cry. He was startled. He nervously put a hand on my arm. "I...I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry." I shook my head. "No. You didn't do this. Marilyn did." I wiped my tears away. Crying doesn't solve anything.

"Let's just....lets just get back to our coffee break. Okay? I'll deal with Marilyn when I get home." He smiled. "When are you planning to get home? There's a party at this club tonight." I smiled at the thought. "Maybe going to a club wouldn't be so bad, considering everything that's going on." I thought on it a little while. I grinned an evil grin. "Let's do it."

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