Mistakes were made....

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This is one weird ass chapter. Get ready for some weird shit.
Some of the things coming up:

1) drugs/alcohol
2) tons of weird sex
3) Daddy kinks (cuz I'm weird like that)
4) angst (wanna make it a little sad too)
5) he ties her up while singing that she's gonna cum all over him
6) lots of kinky neck bites and hickeys
7) leather belt gag
8)Yeah...they do lots of weird shit...just read it

Vote and comment for me, babes❤️


Marilyn's P. O. V.

When I woke up that day after me and her 'did the do', she was gone. I sighed and pushed my head into the pillow. Last night, God, it felt good. I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom. I went under my bathroom closet and got my little bag of coke and poured some out on the sinks rim. I straightened the line and bent down and snorted it up my nose. I squeezed my eyes shut. That always have me such a rush. I rubbed my eyes and rolled the bag back up and put it back under the sink. I went downstairs into the kitchen and poured me a glass of bourbon. I looked at it a second then squinted my eyes. Why was I wasting my life with drugs and alcohol? "Shut up..." I muttered to myself and I drunk the drink to the very last drop. I poured me another shot and put the glass to my lips. "Marilyn?" A small, soft voice said from behind me. My eyebrows furrowed together. "I thought you were gone, doll..." I said under my breath, but enough for her to hear me, as I lifted my glass up, and drank all of my shot.

I turned around and set the empty glass on the counter. She looked tired. My long shirt went to her mid thigh and her hair was an adorable mess. I smiled at her and she frowned at me. "I was going to leave, but I needed to find my car keys...which I still have not found yet..." She looked at the ground then her gaze shot back up to me. I saw her eye flinch as she did so. I frowned. "Are you scared of me?" I said lowly. She only stood about a foot or two away from me so I think she heard my question. I inched towards her, but instinctually she backed up with her left foot first. Her back hit the kitchen wall and she bit her lip. "N-no. I'm not scared." She whispered. My mouth went into a straight line and I walked towards her some more. Now, our faces inches from each other, I grabbed her by her hair but not too hard. She was on her tippy toes trying to back up against the wall more. "Answer me truthfully, baby." I whispered in her ear.

Her blonde hair was intwined in my fingers as I grazed my jaw into her ear, pulling out a moan in return. "Am I just your fuck toy, kitten?" I whispered seductively in her ear. I felt her teeth clench. I let my other hand slip around onto her hipbone. She was just wearing my long t-shirt, and I felt deep down that she didn't have any panties on. I snickered in her ear and slid my hand down over her scarred thigh. I traced my forefinger over one of her scarred cuts and she hissed through her teeth. "Let go of me you psychotic freak!" She hissed at me. I bit my lip and looked at her seductively. "Oh no, kitten. I'm not letting you go just yet..." I raked my nails down her thigh and she screamed. I put my hand over her mouth and kissed her cheek. "Kitten, don't scream. Daddy loves you." Her eyes looked into mine with fear. "Now daddy's going to move his hand. And if you scream, you get punished. Now, are you going to scream, kitten?" She shook her head fast. I smiled widely at her. "Good kitten..." I whispered, bringing my face closer as I slowly removed my hand. I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to hers. I felt her eyes flutter against my skin.

I pulled away and heard her whine. "Baby, tell daddy how much you want me." I closed my eyes and bit my lip, listening closely at her words. "I-I need you...need you so much, baby." My eyebrows furrowed in disappointment. "Gonna need a little more than that, Kitten." I put my hand on her neck and rubbed her jawline with my thumb, my eyes still closed waiting for her to beg for me. "God, Daddy I need you inside me right now...Please...please, Daddy." I smiled a psychotic grin and opened my eyes to look at her aroused face.

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