Back to square 1

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Leonna's P.O.V.

I sat on the ice, cold floor and wrapped my arms around my legs that were at my chest. It seemed like I stayed there forever. Somebody knocked on the door. "I...I'm in here..." I said in a weird, crying voice. I stood up and wiped my tears. I got my phone and put it in my pocket. Then I got the pregnancy test and put it in the box and shoved it in my purse. I sighed and looked at my tear stained eyes. I wiped them again and someone knocked on the door harder this time. "Hold on." I said in a soft voice. I unlocked the door and opened it. And there stood Marilyn.

"How the hell did you find me?" I snapped. "Tracked your phone. And this is the only drugstore in this town so..." He looked at my hair. "Whoa. You changed your hair that quick?" I sighed. "It doesn't matter." He looked bad. And I kind of felt sorry for him, but not totally. He started to reach his hand out to my stomach. He looked into my eyes for permission. I gave him a slight nod and his eyes gazed back to my belly.

I felt his warm fingertips touch my stomach. He ran them over my stomach ever so slightly then he put his whole palm on it. He gently crouched down to the level that my tummy was at. "Hey little guy." He said to the little child inside me. He took his right hand and touched the other side of my stomach. His eyebrows raised as I felt something kick inside me. He looked up at me and smiled. I blinked back tears and lightly pushed his hands away. He stood back up and I looked away. He gently grabbed my chin and turned my eyes towards him. "Is it mine?" He asked softly. I jerked my chin away. "I don't know. I would think so since I've slept with you a thousand times." He looked at me with soft eyes. "It sometimes only takes one time you know." I breathed hard through my nose. "Yeah. I know. But I think it's yours." I hope it's yours.

I kind of felt light headed and I started to fall. I grabbed onto his shirt, and my knees buckled in. "Leonna...." He said. He grabbed me from underneath my legs and put his other hand behind my back, carrying me. "I'm taking you home, now." He walked faster. "What about Sam..." I moaned out in pain. "Your fuckboy will have to wait." I leaned my head back as he hurriedly opened the front seat of the car door and gently but swiftly put me in.

He got in on the other side and I asked, "And what about your little bitch?" I coughed out a laugh. He smiled. "She's right beside me." I slowly lifted my hand and flipped him off. He laughed a little. "I love it when you smile..." I said and turned my head towards him. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Oh you do?" We both smiled. "I hope he has your smile." I said looking into his eyes and putting a hand to my stomach. He looked back towards the road and his beautiful smile faded. "That's if it is mine..." I sighed and turned my head. "So you're getting married?" He said changing the subject. I laughed again. "No. He asked me last night to marry him. I haven't answered him yet." My smile dropped into a frown. "Well, do you want to?" He asked still not looking at me. "No. Well...I don't think so. I don't...I don't know." I put a hand to my forehead and closed my eyes.

"You and him are the exact same, you know that? The only thing different between the both of you is the size of your fucking ego." I said. "And our dick..." He muttered. I slightly nodded. "Yeah. His is bigger." He gave me a sharp look and I laughed. "Why didn't you tell me?" He said looking back at the road. "That your dick was small?" I asked confused. "No. That you went with Sam. You could have called me and told me you was planning on making a family with this guy. I Called and he answered the phone. You was in the shower. You know how much that hurts? I didn't know what I did...I kept replaying what I did and didn't do to make you want to leave. And...and I couldn't come up with anything..." A tear started to come down his cheek but he wiped it away and drove into the driveway of his house.

This man was completely in love with me and I pushed him away. I was selfish. I didn't know what I wanted. But now, I think I do.

He took his key out of the ignition and came around to open my door. "Maril-" he grabbed me like before and looked me in the eyes. "No. It's okay. You want him. That's fine. I didn't deserve you anyway." He carried me into the house and took me upstairs. It was weird, no matter how mad he got at me, he showed me kindness. He showed me love. Even after I cheated on him. And almost married Sam. I guessed he just loved me no matter what.

He opened his bedroom door and carried me in. I felt like a bride right now. It was weird but good at the same time. Having Marilyn's baby. Just married. Him carrying me up the stairs where we would make love and watch chick flicks and cuddle. But it's not happening.

He gently laid me down on the side I always slept on and he asked me, "you want anything?" I gave him a confused look. "Why? It's not me you care about, right? It's the baby. I've cheated on you and broke your heart and you still treat me nice. It's just the baby. It's got to be. You'd never love me like you love this baby." He ran up to me and jumped on the bed, straight on top of me. He pressed his body against mine, not to close, but close enough. He looked down into my eyes. "Never. Say. That." His eyes darted back and forth through mine. "It's always been you. Yes, I love this baby. Yes, I want this baby. But I want you too. Without you, what would I be? You've seen how I go trying to live without you. It don't work. So don't just say it's the baby I want. Because you'll be lying then." His eyes looked down to my lips. "Because I love...I love you...." My eyes went to his lips as well.

"And I love you." I whispered. I wrapped my arms around his neck and raked my hand through his jet black hair. It was so thick and soft, I could play in it all day. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he looked at me with curious eyes. "You're weird." He said and kissed me. My eyebrows furrowed and I moaned. "I want you Marilyn. Not Sam. Not Georgia-" he looked at me and raised and eyebrow. "Georgia?" He laughed. "Since when are you into chicks?" I smiled. "Since last night." He threw his head back. " are..." I kissed him before he could say anything. His hands went to hair. He pulled at it a little and I moaned. "You're so sexy when you moan, baby," he kissed my neck and I closed my eyes.
So I guess I was back again.
Back to square one.

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