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*You have a new message, don't forget to check it*

'Hey! I red some books from your reading list and you should try this one *link*.'- Anonymous.

Maybe this anonymous is right? Maybe I should read it. Clicking on the link a new tab opened up right away.

'The sky of darkness'

Creepy name for a book. Might it be good? But it might be scary too... I contemplated reading it or not for some seconds and finally decided. Oh damn I'm just gonna read it!

What a mistake I had made...

Paule's POV:

Being your typical bookworm I couldn't resist the urge to open a book,*sigh*, and I really wish I hadn't but then again I'm happy I did. The only questions roaming my head right now are how can someone be so dark? How can someone live in such a depressed world?

How do you know their world is depressed you might ask me. It's just that by this stage of loving literature, I can get to know the personality of a person from a book they wrote. But that's beside the point. I don't know why but I feel the need to make a move and discover what's wrong with this writer.

Looking at the book info, I found my writer. Ed, hmm what does that stand for? I will ask later maybe if he or she is a friendly person.

Pressing on the compose message button I started writing.
'Hey! I got this message telling me to read your book so I did...And a question has been floating in my head since...Why is it so dark? What's the cause of such love for the darkness?'

Seriously Paule? Anything more pathetic? I scowled myself. Deleting my words, I began again.

'Hey, I just read the sky of darkness and I've got questions... Why is it so dark? And well how do you find inspiration to write something so sinister? Life is a happy world, and it's filled with joy why focus on the bad part when you can see and love the good?'

Reading it over again twice I finally pressed send. I just hope this Ed cares enough about his readers to reply. His book is really intriguing and somehow I found myself roaming his profile in search of new information.

I looked down at the small clock in the corner of my laptop's screen and found I had been stalking the guy for a full hour! I just spent an hour looking at someone's profile and I didn't even realize it had been so long! And most importantly, I found no information about him!

All I had gained was another book of his and it too looked sinister. They say curiosity killed the cat or at least that's what my bestie Katy says. But I can't help it I'm curious!

I'm just gonna read a chapter... Only one okay Paule, just this one tiny chapter alright.

A/N: Hey guys, so yeah this is chapter one, so there's a few things I wanna start off with

First of all I'm gonna update every single day yes I know how much you all wanted these so yeah

Second of all chapters are gonna get longer as we go on

Third of all don't forget to vote, comment, and tell people to check it out.

And finally just enjoy this book

~ Taraxx

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