Chapter 29

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Paule's POV:

I want to tell Katy but I can't, she can't know, she just can't discover this. At least not until it's my eighteen. I find myself opening my laptop cam calling Edward.

He Opens up the chat, starting off with one of his usual annoying comments until he sees me. He freezes. And I don't blame him. I would freeze too if I were him. My face was red, eyes bloodshot, and nose almost burning up.

"Did a tornado happen near your face?" He asked trying to lighten up the mood.

"If you mean my parents by that then yes it happened."

I didn't care about talking at low voice since the walls were soundproof.

"Tell me what the hell they did, no matter what it is we can find a way to fix it right? Gosh I've been hanging out with you too much. I'm starting to become the happy person you are"

"They promised me in marriage to a guy I only met once" I say as tears cloud my vision again and sobs stop me from breathing normally.


"I-they- I don't want-t to-o" I mutter out sobbing while clutching the bear Katy got me close. Crying into its warm fur.

"Okay calm down. It's gonna be okay. You can just not get married to him right? You can just go and say you don't want to get married. Stop ruining your pretty face with tears. Cmon where that annoying smile that I love?"

" They a-are mak-k-king me g-go on a date wi-ith him to-tomorrow-w"

"I'll shoot him, good?"

"N-NO! Y-you'll b-be put-t in j-jail"

"Doesn't frighten me. Plus in jail they have this really good wifi connection. But they check out the sites you go on to make sure you're not connecting with someone to help you escape, so yeah." (A/N: um no jail isn't cool like that but for the sake of this story it has to.)

"Edward, t-tell me ab-bout yourself, make-e m-me forgett the-em"

"Well it's gonna be a little long story, are you ready?"

I nod my head waiting.

"Well i was born in this cute family, a mother, a father and me. We lived happily in here, London, in a pretty house where mom used to grow pretty flowers with my help. Until she passed away when I was five. Starting that day my father started yelling at me, saying I was the reason behind her death, blaming me for everything and anything literally.

Like if he wanted to go somewhere and the weather wasn't allowing him to, it was my fault and I would get beat up for it, if he was running low on beer and alcohol it was my fault, if his marijuana was finished cause he had gotten too high while breathing too much of it, it was my fault.

That went on for three years, three years in which I started learning to fight. And at eight I finally managed to beat him when he was drunk. I ran away and called the police from a passing stranger. I was taken into foster home until I was eighteen and my father was put in jail until then."

"That's.... It's so sad... I'm sorry" I said looking up at him through the screen.

"It's okay, I've grown up now, I'm twenty, and it's okay. But now dear stop crying. Your tears aren't worth that asshole. Tomorrow you'll go on that date and be the most annoying person you can be. He'll just reconsider marrying you. Isn't that a good idea?"

"Sure hope it works. You're the best Ed you know?"

"Oh so I've been told." He cheekily replies with a grin on his face.

"It's getting late, you should go to bed Paule, cmon off you go. Goodnight"

"Nightie. And Ed one last thing"


"Thank you" and with that I close the screen and go to sleep.

Maybe tomorrow won't be so bad and maybe ed is right. I could gross him out of marrying me.

-----next day----

Father and mother broke my door. Yes they decided to wake me up for that stupid date, seeing as I had locked the door yesterday and never unlocked it they decided to break it to get in.

Now I have been taken to a saloon where my hair is being perfected and make up is getting applied. Three long hours later, mother is dragging me around the mall to choose me an outfit. And guess in what I end up? Another dress. Lucky me. Not.

She literally put me in the dress. Choose it herself. Paid. And dragged me again out to this time get me "heels" aka the devil's traps. Seriously I would rather walk on flames than walk in heels if I had a choice.

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