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As Katy and Luke were going all over the city of London meeting the crew, Paule was at university, anxiously waiting for Edward. The clock in English class seemed to freeze. The annoying ticking sound was getting her even more worked up than she already was.

Finally, the bell rang and she was out that classroom. She walked out only to bump into a hard chest. Looking up a smile grew on her face. There, in front of her stood Edward. No ugly prison uniform no, he was in a tuxedo for some reason. And he looked fucking amazing. Under his white shirt she could see the outline of tattoos and how much she wished she could run her hand over the drawings discovering each one and it's meaning.

"You look beautiful, but where are the crazy curls princess?" He spoke to her.

"You don't look too bad yourself" she complimented back.

Edward took notice of the books in her arms and he stole them from her, he put his arm around her shoulders leading her through the hall as she took them to her locker to put everything away. "I missed you,you know" Edward said, glancing down at her.

"I did more" she added looking up into his eyes. It was so funny that even in heels, she was still somewhat shorter than him. And it was cute.

"Ed, why did you dress up so much just to come here?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Still as curious I see"

"Oh cmon you know me. Speak, I'm listening"

"Well I had this manager while I was in prison, I did lie to him about my age and all, I said I was American and was looking for someone to publish my books and whatever, he was the perfect match. Dumb, yes he was. I swear he never thought of meeting me or anything, all the time, I worked with him by mail. He opened me a bank account, he didn't steal from me for some reason, but anyway, I have been released now, just got myself a house, and things. And I choose to come in a tux cause you haven't seen me in one, hell I never wore one until now but yeah."

"Fun, oh and the bakery, remember it?"

"Of course how could I forget"

"Well I'm gonna tell you where to find it cause you will get lost on your own" she said laughing .

"What makes you so sure missy?"

"Let's just say, I've got to know you dumbass"

"I'm hurt"

"Oh grow up big boy" she said making the pair burst out in laughter. After they calmed down a bit, she gave him directions to the bakery and both continued their way into the cafeteria. Paule got lunch, Edward wasn't hungry as he said. Both sat at a table in the busy room and started talking about anything and everything. She gave him her address as he wanted to take her somewhere at night. So she needed to sneak out.

Their plan was easy, at ten at night, he would come, she would climb down the window and they would go. As the bell rang, both kissed goodbye as Edward dropped her off at her next class. She could not wait till tonight to see him again.

~9:50 pm that day~

Paule's parents had gone to bed at around nine, she stayed up waiting for her lover, this time, she was dressed in light blue jeans and a black top. She still had her morning makeup on but she took off the red lipstick.

Paule grew even more impatient as the seconds ticked. And seeing as the girl had nothing to do, she was becoming more and more impatient. The second a small rock hit her window, she ran over to it and looked down to find Edward. Waving at him, Paule disappeared back into the room, getting the "stairs" she had made.

It was more two ropes, on which were attached branches so she could climb up and down. Paule tied the ends of it to her bed and threw the rest down the window. She then started climbing down only to fall. Luckily, Edward was fast enough to catch her. "Easy princess, I know i'm good looking but you don't have to fall to my feets" he stated making fun of her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever floats your boat" she sarcastically replied. "Anyway where are we going?" Paule continued.

"To never land my dear!" Edward said, pointing off in a direction.

"You're not Peter Pan you know, he's way better than you" she jokingly stated.

"Oh really now" He said looking at her as a smirk grew on his face.

"Yes," Paule managed to get out before she ran away as laugher escaped her lips.

And Edward, well he started running after her, both laughing their hearts out.

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