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Paule's POV:

His father just shook my hand as his eyes looked deep into my soul. On the other hand, his mother was pleased with me. And she was actually not that stuck up. Now I know where Lincoln got all his bad manners from.

We all took a seat at the dining table which was covered in a pretty red satin cloth. On it lays our plates, forks, knives, spoons and glasses. In the middle were candle holders, catching up beautiful white candles covered in red roses.

The chandelier over our heads added even more to the beauty of the room, the chairs were a really dark wood color which fitted all the ambiance going around. The food had been served seconds before our enter and our glasses were filled with red wine.

We all started eating, as conversation was flying around the room, of course me trying to stay out of it as much as possible. Until this one question was asked, this exact question that I feared most, the one which came out of Mr. Pierce's mother, " So have you started looking for a wedding dress?"

All eyes on the table turned to look at me waiting for my answer, and each second that passed I grew even more anxious, not only my answer was a pathetic no, but I had no reasons why. "We are planning on going dress shopping tomorrow actually" mother stated for me, she continued adding " it would be a pleasure if you would join us, being the mother of the groom. Right Paule?"

"Of course mother, I would really love it if you would join us Mrs. Pierce"

"Then I shall join, when are we leaving?"

"At nine in the morning, it's a long day ahead." Mother filled for me.

I continue eating, trying to avoid all those conversations, I don't want to get married, nor want Lincoln pierce as my husband. Thank fully, I manage to get through the night without dying nor stabbing anyone.

Right now, I'm in my bed, texting Edward.

"Ed, when am I going to meet you, I wanna see you, face to face."

'I'm sorry, we can't.'

'But please'

'I'm really sorry my dear, but time nor circumstances allow me to.'

'But i really want to talk to you, hug you, be with you in real life!'

'And I wish nothing more than to be with you even for a minute but our destiny isn't in my hands. Don't forget, Hidden the truth might be but sooner or later uncover it will be only time will tell how a deep heart felt one day it will all fall apart but make perfect sense, I'm sorry but I have to go'

*ed is no longer online, you can send him a message that he'll see when he logs back on*

I close my eyes as tears fall. Why have I let myself get attached to someone who won't have a full conversation with me? Why am I so stupid! Why do I always fall for the ones who I shouldn't fall for. Yes I admit it. I have fallen for Edward.

~~~~~~~~mean while at Katy's~~~~~~~~~

I was peacefully sitting on my bed when a rock hit my window. What the heck? I walk over, opening it and get hit by yet another rock. That shit hurt! I look down and see Luke looking up at me. Glaring at him I say. "What the heck was that for! You hit me with the dumb rock!"

"Get down!! "

"Why would I?"

"Cause I asked you nicely"


Mom and dad are sleeping, which means if I go through the stairs, they will wake up. Looking at the tree next to my window, I remember all the night I used to sneak out past curfew through it. Looking back, I lock my door, grab a jacket, and start climbing down.

Once I'm face to face with Luke i ask. "So what did you want?"

"I heard you playing my covers" he says with a smirk.

"And?" I swear I'm so not in the mood for his annoying comments.

"No need to be rude missy. Cmon get on. We are going somewhere." He says sitting on his motorbike, putting his helmet on and handing me one. Oh well I've got nothing to loose and since I'm out.

I take it, adjusting it on my head and jump up behind him. And off we go. "So, why are you somehow kind?"

"Let's just say, I want to start over, only few people know who I truly am, and since you know half the truth might as well show you all off it"

"You're really moody you know, a second kissing me, the next yelling at me ,now taking me somewhere, by the way where we are going"

"That my dear, is a surprise place"

"Oh cmon! Tell meee"

"Would it be a surprise then? No it wouldn't means you're not going to know."

"I could act surprised?" I said and he laughed, gosh that laugh, the music my ears have fallen for exactly this second.

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