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Katy's POV:

When the last bell of the day rang, and the halls filled with students walking, i was left to sit in an empty class room with an old man, wearing glasses, and having his math book in front of him.

If you guessed I'm at detention then you're right! Now try guessing why. No wait let me tell you what happened.

I was quietly sitting during math when that old man started babbling about how shapes are different in spaces, and how things can appear touching on your drawing but they wouldn't actually touch in reality. Soon enough that got me overly bored so my eyes started having a mind of their own.

They were shutting, then opening, and soon enough I was drifting off into dreamland.

~ dream~

I am walking, looking at the beauty of the beach. My feet mixing with the cool sand of the early morning, as the wind passes its gentle fingers through my locks. The smell of the ocean's water mixing with the wind making me crave jumping in.

Peacefully walking, distracted by the birds flying, I bumped into something hard, taking a step back I saw a black shirt. My gaze slowly went up till I reached the body's face.

But even with such a small distance separating us I couldn't see his face, hidden behind his cap. Wait that cap I have seen it somewhere...

"Sorry" I apologized to the figure in front of me.

"Can't you look in front of you?! " the figure in front of me said in a harsh tone then morphed into the one and only Luke.

I looked at him then turned on my heels and started running in the opposite direction. His voice kept following me as he too ran over my steps.

A bit farther down was a small village. I quickened up my path even more and got there, hid behind a home. But then I felt a breath near my ear. Looking to the side I saw him. I quickly started running again.

His voice still not leaving me. "You can run, but you can't hide. And soon enough you'll be tired and ill catch you"

~ back to reality~

I jolted up awake with a scream and falling off my chair. The hole class looked at me weirdly. Then my teacher turned ever so slowly.

"Mind to explaining what happened to you Mrs Katy?"

Quickly getting up i searched my brain for answers. Coming up with.

"Um I was so um... Excited about this new umm... Exercise we were starting and I ugh wanted to umm... To... To do it so yeah I was gonna say that but I screamed and my excitement got me falling off and yeah"

"Oh is it really that now?"

Nodding my head I affirmed "yes absolutely Sir"

"Well then, you may come and solve the problem on the board over here."

God help me if you love me.

Walking to the board I was preparing myself mentally for what was gonna come. Reading the question I thought about it, after staring at it for what felt like an hour but was actually something around 20 second, I choose to at least give it a go.

So I just started writing, acting like I knew what I was doing when actually I had no idea. After having filled the board. I put the pen down looking at my teacher for any signs of wrong.

"That's a really good job. How did you learn this one tho? Haven't explained it yet."

Shoot man. "I saw it in a book" smooth. Real smooth. At least it's better than saying I just wrote whatever came to my mind.

"Now mind explains why there's drool over your copybook?"

"Um water fell out of my bottle?" I said more as a question.

"Nice one. You're getting detention.

And here we are now in detention.


Later that day I went home, and guess what I discover? My parents have invited Luke's Family over for dinner.

Just my luck. Why do you hate me so much God, why? I'll eat my veggies, I won't be bad again, I'll be a good kid, not swear, never be rude, just please don't let him come... Okay I might or do all those things. But still please don't let him come.

"Katy, get dressed they will arrive soon" Dad called out to me as mom was putting down the last silverware on the table.

"Fine." I replied, grumbling on my way up the stairs. Oh wait! I have an idea! I could go to my room and pretend to study so they don't make me sit with him!

Now in a happier mood, having found a plan, I went to my bathroom took a fast shower and get dressed in a floor length yellow skirt with a black tight fitting top and high heels so the skirt wasn't dusting the floor but barely touching it.

Just as I spray perfume on after finishing my makeup the bell rings.

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