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Katy's POV:

Today was a looooong day. But now Paule and I are walking back to her house. But we're stopping at target to get some food. Cause you never have too much food.

And now we're walking back again with two bags each. We arrive and get in putting everything on the counter. Paule's on kitchen duty and I've got everything else. So I make my way up to her room to set everything up.

I first plug the DVD machine into the TV. Then get pillows and blankets all over her bed. Push the small table in front of it. And finally go in search of good movies to watch.

Paule hits the door with her leg opening it exactly as I finish picking up the last movie. She walks in carrying bowls over bowls of junk food. There's popcorn, chocolate, candy of all kinds and soda bottles. You name it we've got it.

After helping her get everything on the table, I place the movies down. "So what first? Superman. Batman. Tangled. Titanic. Or the notebook?"


"Deal." I say putting the movie in and turning the lights off on my way to the bed.

~~~ next morning . Wednesday~~~~

Paule's POV:

Yesterday was a blast. We watched tangled, gossiped about celebrities, people at uni, our favourite tv characters, and so on. Then we had a spa night, which turned into her begging to dye my hair blue... I agreed... Now I've got blue stands in my hair.

At least I managed to convince her into only dying some stands not all of it. And I actually love it. Did not expect her to be this good at styling hair. But this thing better come off my hair in those three washes it says, or Father and Mother are gonna have me put in a grave...Two month away from my 18th birthday...

Shaking my head to get rid of those bad images, I looked around me. The lazy butt was still asleep... A mischievous smile made its way onto my face. I quickly got off my bed, and slowly made my way to the door, making sure to make no noise while walking.

When I finally was out the door, I dashed downstairs, grabbed the can of whipped cream from the fridge along with a feather from a duster near by.
I then ran back upstairs, walked into my room with my phone in hand already video taping everything.

Her hand was luckily by her side, so I took the can after proceeding to shake it, and filled her palm with whipped cream. Then I took the feather gently brushing her nose with it. And as predicted she raised her cream covered palm to rub her nose, which lead into waking her up, face filled with cream.

She opened her eyes glaring at me, and I was laughing my butt off; laughing so hard I fell off the bed. Which made her fall in fits of laughter barely getting out the word "karma".

Oh well. After calming down, we got breakfast and ran back up to change clothing and shower. Minutes later I was dressed in a black mid-thighs skirt, a white fitted shirt and a pair of white sandals. Katy had stuck to black ripped pants, converses and a purple shirt.

Soon enough we were out the door and making our way to uni. We both separated at the doors. While walking to class, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

*Ed started a new book, check it out ^link^ *

Yas! Now I've got something to read. Plus I could find out more of what he's hiding. He didn't have a so happy life as it seemed from what he yelled at me the other time.

I quickly downloaded the chapter he had published. And this book was called "The battle of lights". Somebody explain to me where he gets those god damn titles from!

History was spend with me reading the chapter trice. Trying to somehow analyse it, get any ideas out of it. But no. All I managed to get was,  that there was a guy who's good looking.Oh yeah and he was also addicted to dark stuff.

Looking up when the bell rang I found that I had to write an essay about whatever they studied today. While I didn't know neither the topic nor have any notes. Thank you Edward. You're the main reason I'm gonna fail this.

As I was walking out the door I found one of my friends, Elizabeth. "Hey Elsi" I said starting a convo.

"Paule! Haven't seen you around much these days, care to explain why?"

"It's just I was doing stuff really"

"Yeah stuff, like dying your hair, looks nice by the way"

"Oh thanks, but anyway, I wanted to ask you to send me the notes from today, I was kinda day dreaming all the time so yeah"

"It's fine, I was actually going to print something wanna tag along? We could print you the notes and head back to lunch after since art and music were cut off schedule for today."

"That would be lovely" I finally replied, as we made our way to the library to print some papers.

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