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P.S: you need "skyscraper" by Demi lovato. Do not I repeat do NOT read without it.

Now you shall continue.
Luke had to get her close to the mirror with tiny mouse steps. But once fully there, the task of getting her to look was the hardest. She shut her eyes tightly not wanting to look at all. "Please open your eyes, please look, please" had he begged but nothing he could say was working.

It took him a while yes, but she finally looked. "Repeat after me" he asked and she did.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall... It does not matter of I'm short or tall... If I have skinny legs or my hips are wide... It only matters who I am inside... Blue eyes, brown eyes, back or green... What makes me most beautiful cannot be seen... When you look at me, don't judge me by my parts... The most beautiful thing about me is my heart."

And as those words were spoken, the pair collapsed to the ground hugging one other as tears were shared.

~ Still the day before Paule's wedding~

Paule had finally gotten her phone back. And as soon as it was in her hand, she went strait into her room and texted Edward. He wanted to meet her on the instant. So she sneaked out her window once again, only this time she was being careful not to fall. She then ran to the park where they met.

Paule ran into Edward's open arms, and cried into his chest as he hugged her close stroking her hair trying to calm her down.

"Hey, look at me Paule" he said. She looked up into his eyes, and slowly, he came closer until their lips touched.

"Paule, I want to ask you this. Please don't take it bad."

"What-t is i-it?" She stuttered.

"Paule, will you run away with me? Live with me? Quit your forced marriage for us?"

She looked at him puzzled. Was she expecting that? No, not at all. And her joy couldn't be controlled. A huge smile stuck it self on her face, she looked strait into his eyes and kissed him. "Yes a billion times yes" she said. Upon hearing those words, Edward picked her up and started spinning her around, still not breaking the kiss.

As he put her down, she bid him a fast goodbye and ran back to her house, up the window and into her room. She made a mad dash all around her room, getting suitcases and filling them with  her clothes, things she loved, and others she needed. In total she had about seven big suitcases up. She did leave half her closet. But those were the clothes she hated and that her mother obliged her to wear.

The most important thing she left was that hideous wedding dress she hated. She texted Edward. Both started plotting her escape. At the 12th bell of midnight, he would be there under her window, she would slowly give him the suitcases and he would fill the car up. Then she would leave. And she was not coming back.

The clock on her bedside table flashed 11:40, Paule got up, took a pen and a paper and started writing down.

(A/N: play skyscraper by Demi now)

Mother, Father, I am not coming here anymore. I'm not marrying someone I don't love for you. Yes I believe in true love. And guess what? It's the most powerful magic of all. Maybe you two don't believe in it, since you both were obliged to marry. But I don't care, I know the rule that I must live by; have courage and be kind. That's all it takes. Kindness.
You most likely hate me right now. But I will not stand anymore and watch you ruin what I love. I love someone. He's amazing for me. But you wouldn't agree of him since you're just too stuck up and judgmental.
But I forgive you both. Cause maybe, you just had no idea what it felt like to be truly loved. Goodbye, forever.

~Paule xoxo

As she finished writing, midnight came, she looked down and saw Edward waiting. So she proceeded with the plan. Everything went smoothly, she kept the letter on her bed, on top of the dress. Then she walked out, wishing goodbye to her old life, to all the problems it caused her.

The pair arrived to Edward's house an hour later, both went to bed and seeing as they were too tired to get all the suitcases up, Paule stole Ed's black shirt and a pair of his boxers to sleep in. The shirt smelled like him, and she loved it. He hugged her close and she fell asleep on his chest, she felt true happiness that night.

The next day, she had turned 18, as she and Edward woke up and went to get a cake and have fun, her parents found a letter, one that reminded them of how hurtful they had been. Yes she nailed it, they never knew true love. And that was their biggest weakness...


A/N: hey guys :)

So since we're in this topic I wanted to let ya all know about the butterfly project.

For my loves who hurt themselves making us sad: When you feel like you want to cut, take a marker, pen, or sharpies and draw a butterfly on your arm or hand. Name the butterfly after a loved one, or someone that really wants you to get better. You must let the butterfly fade naturally. NO scrubbing it off. If you cut before the butterfly is gone, you've killed it.

And for those of you like me who wanna help: draw a butterfly on your wrist, name it after someone who cuts and let them name theirs after you. Let it fade away on its own. But you must be there for whoever that is. At all times. 1 am or 5 am or even 11 pm.

Share the love and help❤️ and message me if you need anything.

Always there.


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