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Paule's birthday was unforgettable, she never felt so much love unless it was with Katy, they had gone ice skating, then they got froyos, she had the blueberry and he had the boring chocolate and vanilla.

They bought a cake yes. But decided to cook another none the less. Their cooking time did not last long, and soon enough, eggs were flying from a side to the other of the kitchen, flour covered them and the floor, there was cake batter everywhere, in their hair, on their clothes, in the sink and over the cupboards.

Whoever dreamed of waking into that kitchen had a death wish. The food war continued until both had no more food to attach. So they found a solution, now they were trying to get the food they had on themselves on the other. Watching them was so funny, both rolling all over the floor, on top of one other and over the floor over and over again as laughter echoed through the room.

They did clean up the mess and themselves after all the fun. But the hours they spent cleaning were worth all the fun they had had. Paule choose to steal Ed's shirt once again even tho she had pjs but his clothes were comfier as said. And who was he to not allow her them. Secretly, he loved it too.

In a beautiful tree house, lays Katy and Luke, her sleeping peacefully on his stomach as he played with her hair. Luke was thinking deeply, he had his phone by his side and he dimmed its' light till its' maximum, and started writing his feelings out, forming a beautiful song. (A/N: play Diana by one direction. It's the song) The song was about Katy, how much he wished he could have realized what had happened sooner. At least he would have been able to make a change faster, he couldn't think of what she could have done to herself if he hadn't come hella early.

God only know, he could have lost her. And that thought terrified him. He hugged her even closer as she slept. The song he had started writing was done by now. Luke was gonna make it as a single of his and dedicate it just to Katy.

Before closing his eyes, he went on Twitter and posted. "Did you guys seriously think I would never know? One more hateful message gets sent to her and you can kiss my Twitter goodbye. I will deactivate, that isn't a threat, it's a promise-L"

Luke then shut his phone and laid his head on hers and fell asleep. He wasn't going to let anyone ruin what he had with her even if if meant he had to shoot them or die.

The next day, Luke woke Katy up by his singing of the just written song. No words needed to be spoken, she knew all the meaning behind that song which left teas running down her face. As Luke finished, she jumped into his arms loving and needing the comfort of his hug.

They then decided to go get some Starbucks for breakfast after getting dressed, more like Luke made the choice and was taking her willingly or unwillingly. He promised himself he would get her to gain all the weight she had lost during their separation before his leave. Which was in three days as he had two concerts in London.

And somehow, Edward had woken Paule up and the pair was going to Starbucks to also get breakfast. On their way there, Edward confessed to Paule, a deep secret he had been holding. He had written their love story in a book. And it was being sent to publishing.

She had no idea what the hell was going on. She didn't know what or how to feel. A part of her loved it, another was worried. But she choose to forget the worries and only focus on the happiness. That's what she usually would do. And she was not gonna change that.

To the smile that grew on her face, another grew on Edward's. And he pulled out a gift box from under his seat, and handed it to her. Curious as always she quickly opened it, only to be surprised by a book, titled "His saviour" that was the exact moment, she realized the impact she had on his life, and she realized that indeed, she was his saviour.

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