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Katy's POV:

"So son, what's the reason behind those drawings on your arms?" Dad asked. I quickly looked at him giving him the what the hell look. I swear he's an old man, he should know that you don't go around asking people why they have tattoos.

Or that's just me over thinking things. My train of thoughts was cut by Luke's voice.

"I just found them cool. So I got them."
And that is a signal to drop the subject, but my god damn father seems to be oblivious to that and continue on questioning.

"You know they will stay on your skin forever? Didn't you think what it would look like when you're old and they're on?" Seriously dad?! What the hell! By now I'm trying to not just stab my father so he had shut up. And from my seat I can see mom about to kill him too.

"Sir I did take that into account and I like them now so I'll still like them later."

"But..." I cut dad of by yelling an ow and holding my stomach, faking hurt. That isn't the best idea but that's the first that came to my mind to stop that conversation from growing.

Everyone jumped up to my sides and started asking if I was okay. "I'm fine. It's fine" I repeated over the ever growing questions of how are you? What do you feel? What's happening? What's hurting? And all those others that didn't register in my head.

"You should go back up to your room and rest a little Katy" mom said as everyone agreed with her. So I did. Now I won't have dinner until they leave *sigh* at least I cut off their conversation saving us from World War III.

As I slowly made my way up caroline's voice stopped me from taking any steps further. "Luke could help her up, right Luke?"

"Oh no it's fine I can make it on my own." I quickly replied.

"None sense, go help her Luke" as those words were spoken, Luke made his way over to me as the adults went back to the table. Way to ruin dinner for two people dad.

Not waiting for him I started walking up normally this time. When we reached my room i opened the door for him cause it would be mean to not let him in.

"Thank you for coming up, you weren't obliged to, so yeah"

"Why did you fake sick?" His question took me by surprise. Why would he care? And how the heck did he realize? I decided to play dumb.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play games with me Katherina"

"My name is Katy learn it already"

"Why did you fake sick"

"Cause I didn't want dad to keep insulting you and the reason you have tattoos, cause that's plain out mean"

"Did I ever tell you I wanted you to step up for me? No I don't recall doing so. Now stop trying."

"You know what? You're a fucking selfish and spoilt child, who's only born to be an asshole now get out of my room before I call someone up!"

"For your words to have effect on me I shall care about your opinion first, which I don't. So stop being annoying kitten"

"I'm not your cat, you've three second to get out of this door or I'll scream."

"So scary"

"Three.... Two...."

"You haven't seen the last of me Katy"

With that he walked out of my room, and I closed the door. Walking back over to my bed I lay down trying to clear my head. He's an asshole but his mom's so sweet, his father has been nowhere to be seen since they arrived.

This boy is a walking mystery I swear. Fishing my phone out of my pocket and went into my YouTube application deciding to watch some of the angel of death's videos.( the YouTuber she had downloaded the videos of)

His harmonic voice filling my room. Just then I realized something. Jolting up, my eyes widened. I knew that voice! I have heard it in real life. I have! Gosh why didn't I realize this sooner. The angel of death, it's Luke! He's changed town, he's got a cam and its tripod in his room, the same curtains in the back ground and most importantly, that's his voice.

What do I do now. Do I tell him I know who he is? Or do I keep it to myself and see where it gets me?
Some minutes later, I finally made a choice. I'm not telling him. I could use it later. When I actually have something to get out of him. Plus I don't feel like giving away that information right now. I don't want to be shot.

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