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Paule's POV:

Since knowing Edward's secret, I haven't been able to stop myself from wanting to meet him. Yes I know he's in jail and he can't come and meet me. But what if I went and met him. That would be amazing. It's a win win situation.

He loves me, I love him, we can't meet till a week since he will only be let out then as he said. Which means, I can go and meet him there. My parents wouldn't know, I could skip uni, go, see him and be back before the end of the day which will mean I'll be back when they come to pick me up!

That is a brilliant plan Paule! Proud of myself, I make my way over to my laptop. 'Hey Ed, what's your favorite cake?' I type.

Soon he answers me with 'strawberry cake, why dear?'

'Oh just curious is all'

'Oh well'



'Remember when you told me you are half British half Spanish? We can you teach me some Spanish? I would love to learn'

'It's yes as long as you teach me some French, that way, I'll get to know another language and so will you, which means I'll be able to read even more books!'

'We have a deal then, So let's start with the basics. In French, your alphabet is ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. (A/N: your phone can read it for you just activate the read text and add a French keyboard, same to Spanish.)

'Oh well same letters, different pronunciation in Spanish, here ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. '

'Numbers are 1- un. 2-deux. 3- trois...'

3rd person's POV:

And so on they went, teaching one other the basics was easy, they then spent an hour teaching each other words, and soon enough they both knew how to say basic phrases in different languages. Which made the pair happy. They bid each other a good night, seeing as it was getting late and Paule needed to sleep.

'Bonne nuit' Edward texted.

'Buenas noche' she typed back.

The next day she was happy to wake up and text Ed in Spanish.

'Buenos Dias, quetal mi amigo? Tengo universidad, muchos besos- Paule' (good morning, how are you friend? I've got uni, lots of kisses- Paule)

And off she was out. The driver dropped her off at university, she made her was inside and waited till he left, she then immediately ran out, and went to the small bakery next to the building. She brought a strawberry cake, and checked her phone for directions before crossing the road.

She was on her way to meet Edward and nothing was going to stop her. She could care less about the hours she was going to miss, she could care less about her parents or Lincoln liking it, all she cared about was meeting Edward, and for once, hugging him.

It took her half an hour to get there seeing as she was walking. When she went in, she politely asked if she could meet Edward. And they said they would come back with him. Before the officer disappeared behind the doors, Paule asked him to not tell Edward that it was her here.

The man agreed, and she took a seat at one of the empty tables there. Her nerves were killing her, she could not wait any longer, she was going to burst. Anxiety was filling her and just then the doors open revealing the one and only Edward.

Their eyes lock. She stands up and both freeze. It takes their brains minutes to process everything. And soon enough, they were running toward one other, she jumped on him as her caught her turning her around. Five or six turns later, he puts her down and she hugs him close. Ed returns the hug just as tightly as she was giving it to him.

They eyes lock as he picks her up and takes her back to the table. The officers are watching them with wishing eyes. Even they were a bit jealous of the love which this prisoner was receiving. The pair sat down, and Paule handed him the cake box. "What got you here? Do you know how much trouble you're gonna get in for this?" He looks at her, still keeping the box closed.

"I don't care it's worth it. Now open the box, you'll love it."

"You're crazy you know" he says before proceeding to open the mysterious box. As the lid finally comes off, his jaw drops. The perfect cake that lays there is the exact one he used to get as a child.

"How did you even manage to get this exact one Paule?"

"It's from the bakery next to my university, I always loved their cakes, and I knew you'd love them too. Don't you like it?"

"I love it. But do you have any idea which cake this is."

"Yes a strawberry cake dumb ass, can't you see them?" She said laughing at him.

"Paule, it's the exact cake, I used to get with my mother every Sunday." He said looking her dead in the eyes.

"Wait, what?" She choked on her laugh.

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