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Katy's POV:

Falling asleep that night wasn't an option. Each time I closed my eyes his face popped up behind my eyelids and nightmare replayed what the past had created.

It was 3:36 when I finally gave up and walked downstairs. Now I was sitting in the living room watching sponge bob on my Tv trying to forget that scary face.

The only good part I could see was that today is Saturday and Uni isn't a question. Slowly the hours of morning roller by while I still was rolled up in a ball on my couch.

At 5 am I was done. I made my way up to my room, got dressed in a pair of leggings, running shoes and my favourite sport bra. Headphones in hand, phone in the other I made my way to the door.

Picking up my hair in a ponytail I proceeded to tie it up then plug my headphones into my phone and place them on my head. I start off by jogging a little down the road then changed to blasting out on a full sprint.

As the air started hitting my warm body, blowing away the baby hairs from my face, my mind started drifting away for that nightmare of a man who lived next to me.

Looking at my  phone I realised it was 7:48 am which meant mom was gonna wake up soon and wanting not to worry her I turned on my heels ready to make my way back home but what I hadn't paid attention to was that while running for over two hours I had managed to get far from home and far from the surrounding I grew to know.

In other words, I was completely lost.

Having registered that, I started panicking, I'm on my own, somewhere unknown, in a freaking sport bra and leggings, the perfect target for anyone...  Determined to find my way home I look around me, taking in my surrounding.

The buildings were grey, high and dull. Cars were either broken or from some other century. The roads were small and empty only the sudden black cats passing by. It felt like I was living in shadow land.

As the rain started pouring down on me, I just started crying while trying to see through the thick water which had soaked my clothes, getting the cold inside my body. Pretty sure I was gonna die from hypothermia, or even get kidnapped, my only choice was to start walking in some direction.

Looking at my phone in hope to magically discover it somehow took hold of some service, I found it blanc, the corner of the screen where was supposed to be bars was empty.

Taking in some deep breaths I managed to gain control of my tears. I was not going to just stand here and cry until someone finds me and either kidnaps me, rapes me, or kills me.

With a head held high, well as high as it coup go with the pouring rain, I started making my way into the direction I thought I came from. About 15 minutes later I finally reached signal. The tiny bar was enough hope to make me continue my way in the path I had chosen. 30 minutes later a second bar appeared.

I was still cold as heck. My once pink lips had become a terrible blue color. Pulling the wet fabric of my jacket closer in hope to get some warmth, I called Paule still walking.

"H-Hey-y" I managed to get out.

"Katy? What's wrong?! Where are you? What is that sound? Are you in the rain? What happened? Is there anyone with you? KATY ANSWER ME"

"U-um I'm I don't-t k-know, P-please Come find m-me I'm c-cold a-and its r-raining-g "

"Hang in there and don't hang up, I'm coming. "

I heard the engine of her car starting up. And she soon talked again.

"Katy can you go to your what's app and share me your location babe? That would really help. And don't panick I'm coming"

"O-okay. "

Going back to my home screen I found the app and quickly shared my location.

"Wow, what got you there girl"


"You mean to tell me you out of all people, ran all the way per there? You the lazy idiot I have for a friend actually ran? "

"H-hey! I c-can do things-s y-you know. P-plus I dance re-emember?"

"Yeah I do. Anyway how long have you been out there? And what are you wearing?"

"In the r-rain about 40 something m-minutes. An-nd I'm w-wearing leggings and a j-jacket."



"KATY? KATY! Answer me! What happened?? KATYYY"

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