Author Note

121 14 0

So I saw that the wattys2016 are up and my friend literally nagged at me day and night to enter the book in so that's what I will be doing.

Hopefully my first good girl/bad guy book takes a prize if not at least you guys liked it.


Here are some things you guys gotta do if you liked it and want it to win:

-vote as if you never did in your life, literally vote for every single chapter⭐️

-comment like your fingers can't stop typing at all. You fingers should look like your legs when you're followed by a lion who hasn't eaten in a year ⌨

-tell as many people as you can to do all the things up and to tell even more people. If you're one of those who have a billion contact don't hesitate to share this all over the world 📲📬

And lastly come close


closer idiot.

Here's a biig kiss for you and thanks.💋💋💋💋💋💋


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