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3rd Person's POV:

Katy had an amazing day, followed by an amazing night. But, we couldn't say the same to about Paule. She, had not been allowed to be happy since meeting Edward, seeing as her parents found out about her skipping.

She got in a lot of trouble. But she could care less. She had finally met Edward. The next day, she spent all her recesses in the library, but Paule wasn't studying oh no, her phone was taken from her along with her electronics, so the library was the only place, where she was able to connect with Edward.

Her birthday was in a week, only seven more days till she was going to be an unhappy wife, who lived unhappily ever after. But on the other hand, Edward was finally going to be released from jail. Tomorrow was the day he would be free. She couldn't wait and neither could he. Her prince promised he would come visit her at university seeing as she wasn't allowed out of the house. And she was more than just excited.

That night, neither her body nor her mind wanted to shut down and sleep. No, she was kept awake by all the feelings running around her body. Joy had control over her mind, Love over her heart, hope over her entire spirit. Hope that maybe, she could do something, maybe she could change her unwanted reality, maybe could she destroy the chains holding her away from her lover.

~the next day~

Paule literally jumped out of bed as the rays of the sun stroke through her window. She ran into her bathroom showering, and adding some make up cause she felt like it. She then walked out and into her closet, searching for an outfit, one that would make her look as beautiful as she could be cause today was a different day, today no one could ruin her joy. Not even that mother and father of hers.

After standing there for half an hour, she finally choose a black skirt which landed mid tights, a red strapless shirt and her favorite pair of red high heels. She looked classy and modern. Which was amazing. She brushed her curls out and straitened them. 

Now the last part was her daring red lipstick. Yes she had to go there. Paule originally planned on just nude color lips but as her outfit was put together red lips were a must. Thus she applied Mac Lipstick perfecting her look. Was it too daring? Was it too much? It's just university after all... But Edward was coming... Was it too different?

Paule started to doubt herself, to doubt every choice she had made, started to over think all her outfit choice. But then something clicked in her head as she let out some colorful words. Paule was gonna be running late if she didn't go in the next three minutes, finally she didn't care. Crabbing her bag, rushing to take a pop tart for her breakfast, she was out the door and into the car, being driven to university.

Meanwhile, Luke was woken up by an unexpected phone call. It was Simon Cowel, "good morning Luke, this is Simon"

"Good morning, might I ask what's the reason behind this call?"

"Well you still haven't given me an answer about the tour, give me one right now. If it's a yes, we leave tomorrow, if it's a no, well it's your career Luke but that would be a shame."

"Can I have five minutes?"

"Fine. I'm calling in five and I am not waiting a second more than those five minutes."

"Okay thank you" The man hang up, running downstairs to his mother and telling her everything. She was of course really excited for him. Yes being his mom, she was going to miss him. But it was his career and it needed to take off. Luke thought about the pros and cons for some seconds, his mom was with him going, so was his girlfriend who actually kept on bugging him to go. Simon was there waiting for an answer. And he finally made a choice just as the phone rang.

"Simon, I am going on tour." He spoke. And that's how it all started. Luke called Katy after hanging up with Simon and she came over. Both decided to skip a day of university and just enjoy each other's company as Luke packs everything he would need with the help of Katy.

The pair was sad to be separated a day after starting to date but both knew it was for the best. And who said long distance relationships always fail? Luke was going to have to get to know his tour crew today. So after packing, him and Katy took off, met everybody and to say they were friendly was an understatement.

Katy knew Luke was gonna have so much fun and she was as happy as could be for him.

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