Chapter 10

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Paule's POV:

Uni was fun as always. On our way back Katy and I stopped at a small ice cream vendor. I got a strawberry cone with wiped cream on top and she got chocolate and bubble gum.

We continued our way back. Once at her house I realized the lights on in the house next door. With furrowed eyebrows I looked at my best friend questioning.

"Katy, why's there light in there? Got any new neighbors that I didn't know about?"

"Oh it's just this guy he's an asshole I swear. But his mother is a sweetheart. Didn't meet his father tho"

"Oh, I guess we ain't having any partners in crime soon"

"Yup that's the sad truth buddy."

"Well goodnight see you tomorrow"

"See ya"

I made my way alone back home. As I entered the house I realized I was home alone. How is that even possible? At 17 and my parents still keep a freaking babysitter with me every time they go out. How the heck isn't anyone home?

I made my way to the kitchen I saw on the fridge door a piece of paper.

'Dear Paule

We've been invited over to a ball. Your father and I are buying a present. Your dress and masque are upstairs on your bed. Take a shower. Curl you hair to perfection and put it in a half up half down style. Add some beads to it and make sure your make up is light. Your heels are by the edge of the bed. Be ready at 7pm sharp we can't be late.

~ mother'

Sighing to myself, I made my way up to my bathroom and started getting ready but only thinking of Edward. Three long hours later I was finally ready. My brown hair went from its pretty natural curls into some artificial ones. Filled with beads as ordered. My dress isn't something I'm gonna complain about.

For once in her life mother actually took care of my liking for the color blue and got me a Royal blue ball grown (A/N: pic in the bar up) my heels were white and my make up made my eyes pop out too bad they will be covered with that mask the whole night.

At seven pm sharp mother and father were home. And in seconds we had gotten in the car and were being driven to wherever this ball was located.

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