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Paule's POV:

What was supposed to be only a chapter turned into five, ten and just the whole book in the end. It's not my fault I eat books okay! At least I got more information about this Ed guy's personality.

He seems like a depressed person, in need of a shoulder to cry on, there's just something about him and his books that intrigues me. They are amazingly written but then again the darkest night is brighter than them.

I glanced at the clock realizing its way past 12, jumping from my seat I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and finally go to bed. If mother and father find out about me staying up this late for anything but my studies I'm dead.

Once finished I took one last glance at my laptop's screen maybe just maybe this ed guy finally replied. But my hopes were soon crashed he hadn't even seen it. Sighing to myself I got in bed.Tomorrow is a long day and I've got to be ready for the world.

~ the next morning ~

"Paule wake up already! Breakfast is served and you're still asleep! Move fast!"

And that's my amazing mother, not. I'm 19 and my parents treat me like a 9 years old kid. I just wish I had that confidence to do something about it.

I got out of bed, rushed into the bathroom, got cleaned up and put on my floor length baby blue dress. I then proceeded to make my curly hair as perfect as possible and finished by applying some natural make up.

I made my way downstairs, careful to not run cause I quote mother "Running down the stairs isn't ladylike" and entered the kitchen. "Mother, Father" I greeted my parents.

"Finally Paule, took you long enough, have a seat."

I did as told after apologizing not wanting to be yelled at in the beginning of a morning. I served myself two pancakes, while mother was examining everything about me. From my hair, to my clothes, to my posture, till the very tip of my fingers, trying to find anything wrong to point out.

I ate my breakfast carefully not wanting to get anything on my clothes. Once done I excused myself, put my dish in the sink and made my way to the door. I took my phone, laptop and walked out.

I started the small journey to Katy's house. I go there everyday and we continue our way together to uni.
10 minutes later I was at her door knocking. Her mother opened the door right away engulfing me in a warm hug.

"Hey Paule! How have you been dear" she asked, squishing me with her love bear hug.

"Amazing, what about you?"

"Oh I've been doing well sweety. Cmon in Katy's getting ready but you know her always lazy and too late for everything" she winked at me. Laughing together at my lazy butt of a bestie we walked into the house.

Katy's family is more of a family to me than mine, you see she's got the caring family and I've got the one who only gives a damn about their kid when they start getting an A- or when I'm not being "ladylike".

Rich people are so annoying I swear. Even tho not all of them are like my so called parents. Take Katy's for an example. Anyways she's coming downstairs.

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