Chapter 37

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Paule's POV:

It's been a week of preparations, a week of me begging Edward to meet everyday, a week of trying on dresses. I missed Katy's competition, my heart still shatters at the thought of how she must have felt. I haven't be able to talk to her as my parents make sure I go to university in a car, and get back from there in one as well, when I'm back its routine, I eat, study, then we're off to wedding dress shopping, then we continue planning everything else. You could say my parents have taken all my freedom from me.

I still manage to have conversations with Ed, he's good at keeping me hopeful that one day, I'll be free from this. For now I can dream of it.

3rd person's POV:

Paule goes wedding dress shopping with her mother and Lincoln's. Each dress she puts on she hates, maybe because she doesn't want to be married, maybe because the dresses are too pretty, so pretty they seem fake. Or it's just that everything behind this wedding is fake. From the parents to the soon to be husband and wife, from the invited people to the reception room, from the theme to the colors, it's all fake and faker if that's even a word.

The day rolls by just like all the others, the routine is killing her and she's going to be eighteen in exactly three weeks, three weeks till her marriage, twenty one day till the dreaded day. It's supposed to be her big eighteen. But her parents even managed to ruin that for her.

Now it's nine at night, she's in her room, face timing Edward.

"Hey" she said.

"Hey you, so you're still alive I see." He said, trying to cheer her up a little.


"Yes dear"

"When will I be able to see you?" She asked hope filling her eyes that this once, his answer will be different. But it was shattered as the words left his mouth.

"I'm sorry, I really am but we can't." He said looking down.

"Why can't we?" She asks again, this time on the verge of tears, she continues " why can't we? I-I love you Edward , I have fallen for you, I want to meet you, please, either meet up with me, or just stop talking to me. This is killing me." By now the tears are running down her face freely making his heart ache at her pain.

" I love you more darling, but I can't meet up with you. " he managed to get out as he too was on the verge of breaking down.

"WHY" she yelled at her screen, "why do you do this to me?! I can't go on like this."

"I can't, it's not my choice!"

"Then who's is it! Why can't we meet up?!"


Taken aback by his out burst Paule froze in place. Her brain trying to process the new information, she had fallen in love with a criminal. "You what" came out of her lips as a whisper.

Sighing Edward looked at her. "It's a long story"

"I have all night, tell me" her lips were speaking as her brain was still processing what had happened.

Edward started: "Remember when I told you I hated my sperm donnor? Well here's why. My life was happy, as a kid I lived with my mother and her loving husband. Until I hit ten years of age. My sperm donor stopped loving her, he started going out every night and came late the next morning, he was going to clubs, getting drunk and high then go home with some girl he finds, each day was a new one. My mom knew he was cheating but me only being ten had no idea, she lied to me and made me think he was doing some work.

One night, I was in my room when I heard them screaming, my mother had had enough of him. She yelled at him, they fought, he hit her, then they went trumbling down the stairs. They stopped at the bottom of the stairs and I ran in. Trying to stop him from hitting her. I got hit, so she slapped him, he took a gun out of his pocket and shot her. I fell next to her body crying, I had just witnessed my mother's death.

Angry, I looked at him with hate, but he wasn't done, he took me and dragged me up the stairs, when I trashed around he hit me causing me to fall down the stairs. We fought yes, me being ten he had the advantage. But I was smart, I managed to get his gun out of his pocket as he was nearing me with a knife wanting to kill me too since I was a witness. But I did him first. From then, I called the police and told them everything. I got in prison since I was ten, I was home schooled tho. More like prison schooled but still. And yeah, that's my story."

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