Chapter 21

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A/N: I'm only gonna do this recap thingy once cause I know how annoying it is when authors start putting it in every chapter. But it is needed now for you guys to be in sync with the rest of the chapter.

Recap: "You're just lying, pretending, there's something about you, and I don't care what it is, or what will happen if I find it, but I am gonna find it."

Still Paule's POV:

Edward started talking again.
"You don't need to search I will tell you; I'm everything your parents warned you about dear."

"And I'm everything your parents never told you existed." I replied determination filling my entire body and mind.

He just laughed and laughed at me.
"Let me tell you a story innocent one... A snake was hit by a car, a woman picks him up, feeds him and gets him to a full state of health. But then he bits her, injecting her with his deadly venom. On her death bed she asked: ' After all I did, why me?'
The snake replied :' You knew I was a snake when you picked me up'

My dear, I'm that snake" he finished.

"Then I'll be that woman! I am willing to die to save you"

" I don't need saving! You do. Go live in your rainbow world before it's too late. If you don't, then just like her you'll be dead."

"I ain't going anywhere. Death doesn't frighten me, nor do you threats!" Was the last thing I managed to say before he logged out.

I looked down at my lap, now it's too late to back down. I'm gonna discover why he's just like that. Closing the cam I opened my media player, and started The lion king after turning off my lights and getting in bed with my junk food.

Disney movies are the best to take your mind off people.

----next day, a.k.a Tuesday----

Katy's POV:

For the first time since the beginning of the year I actually woke up before Paule came to jump on me.
I got dressed in a pair of black shinny jeans, a white T-shirt with 'Okay but first coffee' printed on it, and my black high top converses. Throwing my curls in a ponytail,I added black eye liner with some mascara and was ready to go.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen, wishing my parents a good morning I got out milk and cereals from the cupboard and started stuffing my face.

"How come you're up early?" Dad asked me.

"I have no idea, but I've saved myself from someone jumping on me as an alarm." I replied. To which he started chuckling.

"You know, if you woke up early like this everyday then she wouldn't have to squish you to wake you up. Plus she's your best friend enjoy that company idiot" mom butted in.

"Yeah she is my best friend and I love her and all but letting me sleep in would also be kind." I concluded causing everyone to started laughing. But suddenly I hear a voice.

"Nice to see you speaking so kindly of me lazy butt." And that was Paule.

"Um hi?" I said giving an angelic face, which then morphed into a confused one as I continued "By the way! How did you get in?"

"Um your mom opened the door after I knocked?" She sarcastically replied.

"What? How? You were here mom, weren't you?" I asked still confused.

"Oh Katy, it's either lazy or distracted with you isn't it?" Dad said, causing them all to burst out laughing at me. What a wonderful family I have.

I just acknowledged him with an eye roll. Finished my food, putting my bowl in the washer, I went back up to brush my teeth and then made my way to uni with Paule.

"Guess what" she started.


"I said guess!!"

"But you know I'm not good at guessing things"

"Fine. My parents are out of town. For a week! And for once I'm fucking left with no baby sitter like finally I'm god damn 17 people."

"Aww congrats!!" I squished her in a tight hug.

"So wanna come over tonight? We could have a sleep over, just us two, cause apparently I'm not allowed to have a party, or else they will somehow find out a send me the son of the devil, yes the baby sitter."

"Sure we can! We could have a spa night or something. Oh!oh! you will let me dye your hair blue this time right!!"

"How about a no? You can dye yours but stay away from mine."

"But it will go away in three washes... You're no fun."

"Well I don't enjoy walking around with a blue head unlike you."

We kept it at that since we arrived. Exchanging see you laters, we each went off on our own way. I quickly sent mom a text telling her I'm staying at Paule's tonight. And then continued to class.

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