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3rd person's POV:

Paule and Edward were walking into Starbucks, casually conversing as Paule bumped into someone, spilling not coffee all over them. Quickly she apologized.

Looking up from the now black stained white shirt, her eyes locked with one she hadn't seen for a while. There the two best friends stood staring at one other as their boyfriends looked at them curiously. Tears were leaking from their eyes as they jumped on one other hugging the life out of their bodies.

To say they missed the other was an understatement. But joy wasn't to last long, seconds later they had pushed themselves from each other hurt and guilt filling their eyes. A blame fight had started. And only now they had realized that they had hid all their journeys from each other.

Maybe before it wasn't as showing as now. But in that exact instant, they both knew the hurt it caused the other to feel along with the guilt of being responsible. A strong sisterhood doesn't get built on just happiness, hurt and tears help building it as much.

The fight couldn't be held for long between them, as a soul cannot be separated into two for long. The bone crushing tears filled hug was being lived again. Exactly on the doorway of Starbucks as Luke and Edward stood frozen looking at the unfolding scene between the pair.

After the rain comes the sun,right? When they pulled away this time, smiles had been drawn on their tear stained faces, both held hands and pulled their man with the other. The group entered and sat down as the girls told the stories which they had lived.

Katy and Paule then excused themselves and left the mans together to become friends, they were going to be seeing each other for a long time in the future, might as well start bounding now.

The two girls ran across the streets to their hideout, the park, passing people thought they were crazed, one in a coffee drenched shirt the other a chocolate one as Paule had dumped a drink on herself so Katy wouldn't feel weird.

Upon their arrive to the park they found a small stand, one that had never been there. And together they checked it out. Their eyes landing on a hook, which the got as a matching memory to the following promise.

'No matter what happens, where life takes us, who we become, how we live, no matter the time or the circumstances, we will always be linked by the heart.'

Why did they pick a hook? Cause  the legend says, in the Carabinians, women wore hook bracelets, whenever they put it on the upper side of their wrist it meant good luck always, on the down side it meant good luck when needed, if the arrow of the hook is facing your heart, it means your love is taken of its facing outwards your love is free and cause with enough force, you can pick up and anchor but a hook cannot be pulled apart if it's attached to anything.

Which symbolizes their infinite love for one other.

Later on that day, the two couples (k/L and P/E) went on a double date, and you must have guessed the location, where everything started, the escape the two girls had, at the park.

It was memorable, both were in matching navy blue and white stripped dresses, and both men were dressed in white shirts, they had a picnic in the middle of the night, under the shining stars and then separated ways where each couple had some alone time to just enjoy one other's company.

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