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Paule's POV:

"Im sorry I didn't mean to... Oh my god, Edward I-i"

"Hey calm down. It's okay, it's the thought that counts remember?"

"But! The cake and your mother and-"

"Shush. Let's just enjoy each other's company as much as we can now. A bakery isn't going to stop me from enjoying this amazing surprise. Plus I love the cake so it's still a win win situation."

3rd person's POV:

Edward took hold of Paule's hands and both headed back to the table which they had gotten far from earlier. They sat down and started talking about everything and anything. The visit was cut short by a police officer sooner than they had wanted.

He looked into her eyes, as she too was looking into his. Millimeters of thin air separating the pair. Neither wanted to separate but they knew well enough they had to. He took a step closer catching her in a warm hug, as she wrapped her arms around his torso, he lifter her around spinning her four times before slightly bending her back as he pressed his warm lips against hers.

That kiss, that one little touch made her feel like she was on fire. When she was back to her feet and their joined lips parted, she felt like she was missing a part. He just looked at her and said "See you later princess" before starting to walk in the direction of the doors.

In seconds something flipped in her head and she was running ton him. She stood in front of him, hands on his chest stopping him from continuing his walk. She then stood on the tip of her toes stealing a well needed kiss. "See you later my prince" were her last words to him before she took off in the opposite direction, taking her bag and walking out.

Paule walked down the streets passing cars and people, wind blowing her hair back, she was happy, and pretty much everyone could sense it without having to look at that big smile stitched to her face.

Meanwhile at their university, Katy and Luke were having a little too much fun. They had chosen to skip class, hiding out behind the building as all the crowd entered the big halls and started dividing into different classes. When all the students were seated in their respectful classes, the pairs took off in the direction of their secret hideout.

They were on Luke's motorbike, riding off in the sun to their secret place, their dream city, their own hideout, the clearance in the woods. Yes they were skipping to go there. Somehow he had turned her into an even bigger rebel than she was. But that made her happy. Everyone did notice she was brighter around him, happier, laughing more and just being even more crazy.

They had reached the clearance. And both made a run for it creating a race. She won. He let her? Maybe. But isn't that what a gentleman does? They started an argument about him letting her win and him not doing so.

Katy's POV:

"Let's just stop arguing and continue building this treehouse. It's soon to be done and I can't wait!!"


And with that we both got to work. We have been working on this house like no tomorrow since we started. And we only have half a wall to go and we are done. I'm cutting the wood and Luke is assembling them, we will switch in an hour. We have made it big and really pretty, we have windows, a door, stairs to climb up the tree and even a part of the roof that can be opened.

Suddenly Luke yelled "Katy! One more block and we are done!"

"Oh my gosh. Wait for me I wanna put it!!" I yelled, taking the block of wood with me and climbing half running up. We look at one other and press it in place together, we then proceed to secure it in place and yell simultaneously "WE ARE DONE" as we hug jumping up and down.

"Let's go home! We need to get the things to put in!" I said.

"Yes! Cmon!" Luke replied as he started dragging me down the stairs.

We took seats on the bike, helmets on and speeded off down the road. We were home soon cause we might or might not have driven over speed limit. I quickly go through my bedroom window and get the two bears, the curtains I had sewn for the windows, yes I do know how to use a needle and a thread, I grabbed some throw pillows and blankets I had bought for this special occasion and started throwing everything out of the window.

I then ran down through my trustful tree and started loading them up, trying to fit everything in the little space as I waited for Luke to come back with the things he got.


A/N: sorry guys I couldn't update yesterday, I'm going to give ya all a double update tomorrow or the day after okay. Love ya all. Don't forget to vote, comment and tell other to read.


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