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Katy's POV:

It's Monday again, but this one feels weird... It wasn't Paule who woke me up like usual but this time it was mom.

"Get up sweetie, and get ready."

"Huh? Where's Paule? She's the one who usually wakes me up" I ask while rubbing my eyes getting rid of the sleepiness.

"She's not here yet. Thought I'd wake you in order you to not be late."

"Okay... Thanks mom."

I get up and get ready. Wearing a red and white stripped dress with white toms, I grab my backpack after having breakfast and walk out the door. I look around for any songs of Paule and there I finally see her.

She's not her happy self tho. She's dressed in all black, only a grey flannel shirt tied at her waist is giving color to her outfit. She walking, actually scratch that she's dragging herself slowly over to me.

"What the hell happened? You look like shit." I say.

She barely acknowledged me. Usually I would get a sarcastic come back but no... Nothing. It's like the life has been sucked out of her. I just walk beside her in silence hoping she would get out of that phase soon....

~~~later that day~~~

Walking home was as silent as going to Uni. She was in a trance and nothing I did seemed to take her out of it. As we arrived to my house I tried getting her to come in and bake cookies with me since she loves them. When her lips started opening my eyes flashed with hope that she had finally been back... But no... She did not. She rejected my offer. And continued her way home.

I went to my room, got changed and went back downstairs. I got in the car and drove to the studio. At least I could let out some feelings and learn a new choreography. I started off with some stretching and then was learning a solo to seven year-Lukas Graham.

As the song played and Mrs Abby counted, as my body moved around the studio, my mind only thought of one person. That person wasn't Paule as you'd expect but I was thinking of Luke.

How his voice would sound amazing if he sang this. Oh How much I wanted of him to not hate me so much or at least not show this much hate. During that time I took a decision, one that would either make or break everything between Luke and me. I am going to confess my knowledge of his secret.

"Katy! From the top! And focus"

I do it again, trying to give her my best, perfecting things and trying to take note of all the corrections she gives me while actually correcting them. But seems my day is damned.

"Katy! What's wrong with you! Focus! We have been trying this for an hour! Where has the determined dancer in you gone?! You're dismissed! Better come tomorrow with your abilities back! Go!"

And that was Abby Lee Miller. It's hard being one of her favourite dancers. I turn and make my way out of the studio and back into the car, drive home, and just take a long shower.

I walk out of the bathroom an hour later, dressed in shorts and a loose fitting top. My hair's in a bun. I did look half descent so I put shoes on and walked next door.

After knocking, I'm welcomed by Luke's mom. "Hey Katy, how are you?" She asks as she steps away from the door to allow me access into their beautiful house.

"I'm amazing, what about you"

" Pretty good. So what brings you here love?"

"I just wanted to ask Luke something. Is he here?"

"Oh yeah, he's up in his room, you know the way" she finishes winking at me.

" Thanks" I conclude our conversation and march up the stairs. With each step I take, anxiety wins over a bigger part of my body. When I'm about five steps to the top, I stop in my tracks and start re-thinking what I'm doing.

What couldn't go right? A hella load of things. I take another step up the stairs and my knees start shaking. As I reach the last stair, I am almost fainting. I sit down and take some deep breaths trying to calm myself down.

Three or four minutes pass by and I'm still on the floor. Not daring to get up. Rethinking all my choices, I was cut out of my thoughts by the sound of a door opening. Quickly I got up and faced my future. Now there's no backing down. At least not anytime soon.

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