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Katy's POV:

It's been a week and Paule and I haven't talked properly, more like haven't talked at all. She is being driven to uni which cut off our bounding time in the morning and the afternoon. I never see her during the day, I tried to look for her but it's no vain.

On the other hand, Luke and I have become really close. We now walk together to uni seeing as he's two years older than me, and somehow made it into the same university. We don't have any common classes, but mine are on the way to his so he drops me off at mine and continues.

At night, we sneak out to the clearing in the woods. We have started building a tree house there. I remember the day we started it like yesterday. Now we have the floor all done. Today is my competition day, and he came with me. I wish Paule would but I saw her parents driving with her somewhere this morning. Sighing, I look one last time at my reflection in the mirror.

I'm wearing a blue dress, hair in a half up half down do with perfect big curls. I'm wearing my pointe shoes this time since it's a classic dance. It's three minutes till I have to be on so we rush to the back stage area. Luke goes to the crowd and I stand behind the black curtains trying to focus on my dance. I look to my side unconsciously searching for Paule and her familiar good luck. But I soon realize she's really gone.

'Let's all welcome number 23 Katy, with Lavender's Blue.' The introducer calls me. Well here goes nothing.

3rd person's POV:

Katy enters the stage in character, takes place, and the music starts. Shes turning, jumping, going down and up all over the stage , at different corners, sometimes on her pointed feet she's standing, some others she's flying, as the music ends she falls perfectly into a middle split as the crowd starts clapping while trying to stop crying.

Yes, she delivered the story behind that song. And yes she won that day too. But happy, she wasn't. She was missing a part of her, Luke on the other hand made sure to keep reminding her of how amazing she was. He made sure to take her out for some Froyo. (It's frozen yoghurt if you don't know).

And he managed to get her mind off her misery. They had a pretty colorful to say the least, blueberry fight. Fun, it was. But they got kicked out. Which was not fun. None the less they were still happy. Luke then suggested to go to a small carnival which was downtown for only one more day. To that Katy agreed seeing as she loved carnivals and cotton candy.

They rode ferry heels, went to the karting section, they fought at darts and what Luke didn't expect was for her to win. She choose her prize as a big fluffy blue bear and she walked around with it. Next to the cotton candy machine, was a small stand, that one was Luke's favorite game, the hit the pyramid with the ball.

Everyone sucked at it. Except him. He always hit the three pyramids with three out of the four balls. He dragged Katy away from the cotton candy machine and to the stand. He looked at her with a smirk on his face. "See that purple bear up there? Well that is gonna be the twin to yours." He said, then proceeded to pay the man.

It only took him a minute to put them all down. And as promised, he got the purple bear. Gave it to her, with a kiss on her cheek. Now she was walking around carrying two human sized bears and wouldn't allow him to help her carry any. The smile on her face wasn't going to be erased anytime soon.

Luke had to help feed her candy as her arms weren't free. People passing by would aww at them seeing how cute they looked. Of course Luke stole half the cotton candy as he fed her but she would care less.

On their way home, she promised him that when the tree house would be done, the Bears would live there. So when the two came at night to the clearance, they would cuddle with the Bears and just have fun. He laughed and kissed her hand. They were acting like a couple yes, connection and friction between them was present yes, but neither knew what it was. They just thought of it as best friends.

It was more, tho neither was ready to admit it. They were falling for one other and nothing was going to stop it. Now who could believe only a week ago the pair hated one other?

A/N: so how have you guys been holding up so far? Actions are moving, the future is coming and who knows what's gonna happen? Me 😉 *crazy laugh*

😂😂😂😂😂 okay enough of my idiot mess

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