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Paule's POV:

"Bye babe, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah sure, drop by and we could go to the park"

"Okay, see ya"

And with that Katy walked into her house as I continued my way to mine. Once in front of the door I straitened my posture, checked my clothes and rang the bell.

Mother opened it and greeted me. With a nod. "Mother" I curtsied taking a small bow then walked in and put away my things.

I walked into the kitchen to see lunch ready. I sat down and ate with mother and father. When I was done I cleared my throat before asking. "Do you mind if I go out to the park later today with Katy?"

"We do not as long as your studies are finished before you take a step out the door." Was father's reply.

"Thank you father"

I then proceeded to excuse myself from the table and dispose of my dirty dishes into the sink. Then I made my way up the stairs to my room taking my laptop and phone with me. I entered my room, shut the door, then sat at my desk. Plugging the machine in I started working on my assignments that had to be presented the next day.

Cause knowing father, my work will have to be perfect if I'm planning on taking a step out that front door. Three hours of constant work later I was finally done. And I could log in to my online reading account to check if this Ed has actually made the effort of replying.

And miraculously he did.

" My books are dark cause that's what I like, life is more than pink unicorns and candy. Grow up and get to know it instead of living in your day dream."

Okay.That was harsh.

My mind had frozen for some seconds but recovering I started typing a new message.

"There's nothing wrong with wanting to live happily. Grow up and learn there's a good side to everything."

That should do it. If he's gonna be harsh so am I... If you can count that harsh.

Seconds later a new notification appeared on my screen.

*you've got a new message from ed*

" So innocent it makes me wanna laugh. You've seen nothing. Just go back to your mommy and watch some Cinderella while cuddling her. How old are you even? This place isn't for kindergarteners."

Oh now he's pissing me off.

"I'm seventeen for your informations, and I have seen more than you have. I've graduated and I'm in my 3rd year of college."

Noo damn you finger I didn't want to send it now! I'm wasn't done yet! Ugh it looks like I'm actually a freaking kid being happy of my graduation. Way to go idiot.

"Awww lucky you strait A kiddo. Let me guess you're studying what? Medicine with those high grades? Or maybe architecture? Your mommy and daddy must be proud of their little baby. Go do something with your life it isn't all about grades"

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