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Katy's POV:

The park was so fun. We sat at our swings, talked , got ice cream and cotton candy, then we well we pretended to be asleep and scared people... It was fun okay! Mean, but fun none the less.

As I arrived home I took realisation of the big truck in front of the neighbour's house. The exact house that hadn't been habited for about three years now.

Excitement started kicking in at the ideas of having new neighbours, a.k.a. a new partner in crime, a new friend...OMG! Maybe it's a girl and she likes dancing too! I could have a dance twin! Or she could like the gym, as does Paule who will steal her from me. Or she could be a guitarist and she could teach me how to play!

I had already created a full scenario of my future friend by the time I had reached the house's door. Mom was there carrying a plate of Chocolate chip cookies. " Oh Katy! You're finally back. I was gonna welcome the new neighbours wanna tag along?"

"Yeah sure mom"

We made our way to their door, knocked and waited. As the door opened, the shock took place. What I saw wasn't expected. My new neighbour was a guy, my age, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes , he was so tall next to me. I know I'm the short average but still he must be at least 6feet something!

"Hello, welcome to the neighbour!" Mom gushed at him as he invited us in. As we walked into the house we saw brown boxes filling all the spaces.

"Who was that dear?" I voice was heard asking.

"Oh, you didn't tell me we had visitors so soon! I'm sorry for this mess, by the way I'm Caroline, and this is my son Luke."

"Oh, pardon my rudeness I'm Agatha and this is my daughter Katy, we live next door with my husband, we came to welcome you into our neighbour with these cookies."

" Aww that's so sweet thank you. Would you two like to drink tea with us? You know how it's tea time and we would love to get to know you."

"Sure why not"

As Mrs. Caroline and mom made plans, Luke and I stood there, by their sides just watching the scene in front of us develop. And it looks like mom just made a new best friend. My train of thoughts was cut short by mom saying my name.

"Katy and I would love to help you unpack! Ain't I right dear? Plus eight hands work faster than four right?"

"Um yeah sure" I said, putting a smile on my face. If it makes her happy then I'm just gonna help.

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