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Hello my lovely reader's ,
First of all Happy Women's Day to all you pretty people out there , keep smiling and don't give a damn about the cruel world , live your life your way and most import show them that we are strong enough to stand up for ourselves.

Yeah I know that I told you guys I am not updating until 26th march but ,who kya hai name I couldn't sleep the whole night yesterday so you guys getting an update...

Happy Reading 📖

Manik and Nandini were sitting comfortably cuddling to each other , and enjoying the beauty of the sunset ....

Nandini : Mani its all looking so beautiful na... The sunset, the calmness of the sea , the changing colors of the sky and US ...

Manik : Hmmm everything in life seems so perfect when you are in my arms....

Nandini :And I feel the safest in them...

Manik : Really !!

Nandini : Yup

Manik : Hmmm jaan what kind of a wedding do you want..

Nandini ( getting excited ) : Mujhe na manik beach wedding chayiye , and it should look like a fairy tale wedding, jahan pe sirf family and close friends , and then we can have a grand reception in Mumbai where we call everyone....

Manik : Done   but where do you want the wedding ....

Nandini ( smiling sheepishly ) : Mauritius...

Manik : Awesome... Mauritius it is...

Nandini : Sachi

Manik : Muchi meri jaan...

Nandini : Manik chalo let's have dinner and leave we have a flight at 3:00 am . I have promised Mom I will be there before she opens her eyes...

Manik : Haan chalo..

They had dinner talking about random topics and then they had a walk at the beach and to their dismay it was time to leave..
They were about to leave when Manik held her hand and stopped her...
Nandini gave him a what look..

Manik : Kya you told me your feelings, now its my turn...

Manik without giving her any chance to speak got down on his knees with a solitaire ring in his hand....

Miss Nandini Murthy , since you have entered my life you have shined like a star for me , you have made me fall madly, crazily and deeply in love with you . So Miss Murthy would you like to be Mrs Manik Malhotra....

Nandini was smiling sheepishly : Off course yes , I would love to be Mrs Nandini Manik Malhotra...

He slid the ring in her fingers and stood up ...He encircled his arms around her waist and pulled her with a jerk...

Manik : Jaan , Thanks for coming in my life...

Nandini : Thanks to you too Mani

Manik : Jaan can I kiss you...

Nandini looks down , blushing and just nods her head...
Manik lifts her chin up and goes dangerously close to her lips....and says...

Manik : You know I love this blush on your face and the way you react to my touch

Saying this he places his lips on her for a slow and passionate kiss.... They pull apart in the need to breath...

Manik : Come let's go its already 12..

Nandini : Hmmm chalo ( sadly )

Manik : Don't be sad jaan there will be much more beautiful moments than this....

MANAN - AN ETERNAL LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now