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Sorry for being late , actually cousins are home so it gets difficult to right , but promise you guys are getting an update tomorrow 😁😁😁

And yeah this part is unedited so plz ignore the mistake

Happy Reading 📖

One week had passed since Manan and the rest were back from Bangalore , Manik had taken over as the CEO the very day they reached Mumbai , and was quite busy and even Nandini too was busy as she had many brides pouring in her boutique , but they made it a point to meet each other every day , either Manik would visit her boutique when he comes for a meeting that side or Nandini would reach Malhotra Industries for lunch or they would meet after work , but they met , no matter how tired they would be , but on the sight of each other they would forget all their stress and be at peace.....

It was a bright Sunday morning and Mr Malhotra was sleeping peacefully after a long tiring week , but only until his phone rang disturbing his peaceful slumber , at first he rejected the call but when it kept ringing continuously he picked up frustrated....

Manik : Who the hell are you Ah??? You can't understand that when I am cutting the call that means I am not interested in talking better speak up instead of keeping mum. ( he shouted in frustration)

Person : Sir....vooo

On the other side was Rohan , Manik's PA...

Manik : Rohan stop stammering and speak up I don't have all day for , at least spare me on a Sunday man ( manik spoke out of irritation )

Rohan : Good morning sir , vo I called to inform you that you have to leave for London tomorrow morning to sign a deal and......and...vo

Manik : Rohan please stop this stammering business and tell me what is it ???

Rohan : Sir you have to go for 10 days....

Manik ( shouting ) : WHAT !!!! Are you out of your mind I have my wedding is in a week and this Friday everyone are leaving for Mauritius , and matlab kya hai tumhara you want me to get divorced even before getting married wow !!! How nice na I will not be present in my own wedding , and rather will be giving guest superb ( he said making weird faces )

Rohan : Sorry Sir...

Manik : Keep your sorry to yourself , and now stop wasting time or else I will be fired fromy house and you from your job...

Rohan : ( scared ) OK sir bye..

Rohan keeps the phone and gets to work finding a solution...

Manik : ( to himself ) Manik baba ab toh tu gaya...But I have to tell Nandini this , I know she will understand but I don't want to be like a guest in my own wedding....Ahh! Why me yaar ??

Manik was quite sad after knowing about his London trip , he called his friends to Malhotra Mansion saying that he has to discuss something...

Within no time Fab 4 , Navya , Abeer and Abhi were on Malhotra Mansion...

In the Living room :

Cabir : So aaj Malhotra Industries ke CEO ko humjese nadan logon ki yaad kaise aayi ( he said in his all time dramatic tone while all others giggled but Manik glared at him )

Manik : Cabir I am in no mood for your stupid jokes , I am serious OK

He said with a serious look on

Nyonika : Kya hai Manik bolo..

Manik : Mom vo...actually ...vo

Nyonika : Manik stop stammering and speak up....

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