Turn 1: Vanguard?

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(Insert your favourite vanguard theme song here)

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(Insert your favourite vanguard theme song here)

Yza ran to his house, drenched in the freezing cold water. He panted softly as he ran, legs feeling sore and tired as he had P.E earlier today. He found himself panting, hands on his thighs as he pulled out his house keys and unlocked it.

The door made a "click" sound, as Yza saw the dark hallway. His mother was at work. His dad passed away a few years back, and his brother Maxios was with the Military. He switched on the light, and with a "flick" sound, the room illuminated and looked like home.
"Afterschool snack is in the microwave. Dinner is in the fridge, and you oven cook it for 30 minutes, ok Yza?
I'll be back home soon, and I expect you to do your homework and be in bed by 9!
Love, mum"
Yza looked at the note in the living room. He opened the microwave and saw pizza pockets. He started to heat them up as Yza took the deck he found, placed it on his living room table, and had a quick shower and put on some clean clothes on. He rushed downstairs and opened the microwave.

"Smells good." He said with a grin on his face, sitting on the couch and eating it. He looked at the deck every so often. "Vanguard... Why does that sound so familiar?" He thought, as he scarfed down the rest of his food. He grabbed the deck and looked through it. It looked extremely similiar to something he said before. He couldn't shake off that feeling. He wrote down a note and put on his coat, grabbing the deck and running to the card shop that Ayaza normally goes to.

Meanwhile, at Card Capital 2, a bluey-black haired boy was playing vanguard.
"Now, Legion, and seek mate!!" Ayaza explained, his dark blue eyes shining with determination, school clothes slightly wet still. He normally wore a blue jacket, sleeves a orange colour, and a black t-shirt underneath. That accompanied his black trousers and light blue and white trainers. "Crimson, Legion with Vermillion!!"
The boy that faced Ayaza shook with fear, as he saw the dragons stare at him intensely.
"Legion attack at your whole front row!! LIMIT BREAK!!" Ayaza exclaimed. The boy looked at his damage. 3 damage to Ayaza's 4. He could take the hits.
"No guard!!" The boy replied, trying hard not to stutter. He placed his front row rear-guards into the drop zone and held tightly to the top card of his deck.
"Twin drive!" Ayaza exclaimed, flipping the top card. "Yes, Plasma Dance Dragon, a Critical! Power to my left Chatura (11000 > 16000), critical with vanguard! (1★ > 2★) Second! (Yellow Gem Carnbuncle) a critical! Critical with vanguard, (2★ > 3★), power to right Chatura! (11000 > 16000) Take 3 damage!!"
The boy flipped the top 3 cards of his deck. (Gold Rutile, Screaming and Dancing Announcer, Shout, Battleraizer)
"I lost..." He said in a sad tone.
"Hey, look up." Ayaza said. "Your still new at the game. One day you'll beat me."
"You think?!" He exclaimed.
"Yep." Ayaza smiled. The boy ran to get some packs. Yza walked in. "Yza? Nice seeing you here."
"Hey Ayaza. Do you know where the manager is?" Yza asked.
"Shin? He isn't here right now, but Kamui is here." Ayaza replied.
"Kamui?" Yza asked.
"Oh, the spiky black haired kid who's wearing an orange apron and a white shirt." Ayaza said, pointing to Kamui.
"Him. Oh, ok then, thanks man." Yza said. He approached Kamui.
"Hey there! Never seen you before. You must be new." Kamui said.
"I'm not here to be nice," Yza growled. He put down the deck. "I'm here to give you this. It isn't mine, and it fell out of the sky. Someone probably dropped it and its searching for it. If you see them, give this."
Kamui picked up the deck and looked through it. "Limit Break huh? What clan is this?" He questioned.
"I don't know," Yza said.
Kamui looked at the bottom corner. "Stardust Knight? Another new clan? Man, first it was Gear Chronicle, and now this. Let me check if this is official." He scanned the deck, and it came up with 4 stars. "Its... An actual item!!"
"Well whoever has it must be lucky. I'm gonna go now." Yza said.
"No, wait!" Kamui said.
"What?" Yza asked.
"Ayaza!" Kamui cried.
"Whats up?" Ayaza asked, going up.
"Could you show him how to play vanguard? I want him to keep this deck." Kamui asked.
"Sure. Yza!" Ayaza smiled.
"Yes?" Yza responded.
"Keep it. Its yours." Ayaza said, handing him the deck.
"Why do I need this?" Yza asked.
"Because I'm gonna show you how to play vanguard!" Ayaza grinned.
Yza's eyes opened wide for a second. "Thats where I've heard it from. From Ayaza..." He thought.

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