Second Christmas- No Ayaza Turkey, just Christmas Dinner

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Enjoy this Christmas Special!

"Deck the halls with bells and holly, lalalalalala~" Backlion sang happily as he up and down a dimly lit corridor with Christmas decorations; lines of shiny red and silver with green holly and red berries hanging off them. He was definitely in the Christmas spirit, despite being a bad person at heart... for some, strange and unknown reason. He clicked open a door to find all of his trusted members doing their own things in each sector of the black walled room with red streaks all around it. It was disturbingly pretty.
"You..." Ayato gave a tense stare at Backlion, having his black rabbit mask on. "Why? Why did you decorate the base? WHY?" He asked, agitated as he sat in the corner of the room, hating the Christmas tree, the shining lights and the spirit of it all. "WE AREN'T HERE FOR CHRISTMAS!"
"Indeed we aren't..." Zeon stood up from his kneeling position, holding boxes of presents in his hands. The person sitting on the floor beside him was Rukia, who was taping down wrapping paper on gifts. "But Backlion decided to have a peaceful meet up with our enemies, like in the world war. He wants to give everyone presents, have a nice meal and what not... in our base, of all places." He shook his head with a sigh.
"I didn't say that! I said we'd have the Christmas at the school." Backlion's eyebrow twitched.
"But our base is under the school you idiot..." Zeon huffed.
"So? We aren't getting them down here, are we?"
"Wouldn't they find it weird to have it at the school, of all places? When it's also closed?" Rukia spoke up from her sitting position. Her green eyes wandered to Backlion's face, which had a wide grin on his, then to Zeon's whose face was cold and stoic.
"Because we're special." Backlion replied with an honest answer. Rukia gently put her hand on her face, sighing a muffled sigh.
"Also, it's just us four that are meeting up with them..." Ayato added. "Rukia, Zeon, don't you guys have families to spend Christmas with?"
"My parents keep insisting to fly out to our other family back in America, but you know I hate flying." Zeon replied, as he got a present piled on his stack by Rukia. "So I decided to stay here."
"How about you, Rukia?" Ayato asked her.
"I thought it'd be nice to see some of my old friends." Rukia said quietly. "There's not much to that. I'll be leaving around 4pm anyways to join back with my family."
"I see... As for us two..." Ayato looked at Backlion then himself. "WE'RE LITERALLY FAMILY!" Backlion laughed.
"That is right!"
"So. Who are we meeting?" Zeon asked. "We got like eight presents... So who are we giving them too?"
Backlion grinned smugly. "We're meeting Ayaza, Serena, Rino and Wyvon!"
"Oh..?" Zeon raised a brow. Rukia had a slightly disappointed face on.
"No Yza, huh... I guess it won't be like last year with the festival, when it was me and him..." She thought, blushing at the memories.
"Awww, don't worry Rukia." Backlion grinned. "Yza'll be there. Not for very long though. He promised he'd spend as much time as he had with his poor old mother." He laughed. "How sad."
"You're one to speak..." Ayato mumbled.
"Quiet!" Backlion commanded. "While they think it's a peaceful meeting, it'll be a perfect opportunity for us."
"Really?" Zeon asked him. "How so?" Backlion smile turned into a smirk.

"This a bad idea..." Rino mumbled as he loaded the back of the car with presents. "R-really bad..."
Wyvon patted his back reassuringly. "Daijoubu, Rino!"
"Weeb..." He mumbled, annoyed by his friend's mannerisms.
"Oops... That slipped out, again..." Wyvon stared off into the distance with a sweatdrop. "Trying to quit weebism, drinking and doing destroy dick December is super hard..."
"Remember, No Japan January." Ayaza had a laugh as he snuck up behind the two.
"Waaah!" Rino said, flinching. He covered his mouth. "I mean... What the hell?!" Wyvon and Ayaza both burst into laughter hearing Rino.
"Oh my god, what was that?!" Wyvon giggled. Ayaza held his stomach with laughter.
"Forget it..." Rino shrugged them both off.
"Alright, everyone ready?" Serena announced to everyone.
"Nope." Ayaza replied with his laughter dying down. "Waiting for Yza."
"Coming!" Yza stumbled to the group, a letter in his hand. "Just had to grab this." He showed them the letter, with English etched on the front.
"What's that say?" Ayaza asked.
"Oh, nothing important." Yza shrugged. It had "To Rukia" on it. "Just a letter for someone...."
"Rukia?" Ayaza nudged him slightly with a sly smile.
"Maybe." Yza replied as the group of five clambered into the car.

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