Turn 59: Kidnap

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Rino quietly hummed as he walked down the stairs of the school, his infamous neutral face on.
"Another day of constructing notes for everyone..." He muttered to himself, before his cheeks became slightly pink. "..." He swallowed hard and sighed. "Stop thinking about him..."

Walking into a class room with 1-A sign, he looked around and saw no one of his friends. "Dammit, they're still not recovered?" He scratched the back of his head, as he took his usual seat.
"RINO!!" Zeon bursted into the class and shouted his name.
"..." He looked at Zeon, "Yeah?"
"Shika's back!!" He said excitedly as Rino stood up and ran over to Zeon.

(Insert opening here)

Now in the grey stairways, Shika, with his hair tied back, Rino and Zeon looked at each other, Shika leaning against the wall, Rino sitting on the stairs and Zeon standing with a smile.
"Hey Shika." Rino said.
"Welcome back bud." Zeon grinned.
"Thanks guys!" Shika laughed. "Even if it's a few cracked ribs and difficulty breathing, nothing will bring me down!!"
"Oh yeah, cause you know, nearly being strangled to death and having your arm broken won't keep you down aswell!" Zeon said sarcastically as Rino snickered,
"You're really lucky for getting the least amount of damage during that fuckfest."
"Could've been much worse. We should go to lesson, laters." Shika ran upstairs. Rino stood up from his stairs as he was about to follow, before Zeon grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down, as Shika walked away. Rino's bottom hit the cold floor of the stairs, a groan coming from it. Recovering from the pull, he stood up and rubbed his head before looking at Zeon darkly.
"What was that fo-" A loud noise came from him as a cold blade ripped his insides.
"Sorry Rino, but we need you..." Zeon cackled as crimson red oozed on the blade. He pulled it out, as blood dripped on the floor. The blonde boy fell in his hands, as Zeon now carried him out.

Kinjuzo, as Yza, was in bed playing a video game on his phone. A loud buzz came from the phone as the call screen came up. It came from Wyvon. As he picked up the call, Wyvon answered.
"Hey." Kinjuzo said.
"What's up Yza?" Wyvon asked.
"Not much Wyvon." Kinjuzo replied.
"Heard you got better from Ayaza, so I called ya. Shika returned to school and I have a broken arm. Sucks right? Ryu's vocal chords are messed up from how hard Backlion strangled him, so he can't speak."
"Damn, that sucks..."
''I know right! Hey, when we get discharged from the hospital, let's go after Rukia and Backlion! We got some beef to finish with them!!"
"Mhm, you're right. Well, I gotta go. Later." Kinjuzo ended the call as he continued to play his game.

"Whoo, I somehow smuggled out an unconscious fourteen year old whose bleeding and I need to treat immediately out of school, now I must treat him before he dies and Backlion will get mad at me..." Zeon sighed as he took Rino out of his duffle bag and started to treat him, in an alleyway.

Once that was done, Zeon was headed to the forest, where he met up with Max in an abandoned Warehouse. On the outside it was dingy and derelict, while the inside was better furnished, but not by much. A table, sofa, a few chairs and a cupboard was in the room, all in a very okay condition. Zeon and Max was whispering to one another as Rino was on the sofa, opening his eyes slowly as his vision was blurred. Zeon left and Max walked over to Rino, who stroked his cheek carefully.
"Hello Rino." Max smiled as he held out a water bottle to him.
"Max...?" Rino pondered as he took the bottle and drank the water.
"Yeah, it's me." He replied with a sweet smile.
"What happened? Why am I here?" Rino asked drowsily as he put down the bottle. He sat up slightly, leaning on his arm. An unzip sound was made as something was forced into Rino's mouth, him gagging on it. "Mmmm!!" He choked as Max smirked and took off his headphones violently, throwing them on the floor as he put his hands on his blonde hair, tugging at it as Rino choked on the item.
"Shush... It'll be alright. Just shut up and stay that way..." Max giggled like an excited kid.
"..." Rino's eyes started to become more droopy as he didn't feel quite right. A wave of confusion and not really doing anything hit him as he became less forced to do it, but more relaxed. The sensation was nice, but at the same time horrible. He was losing control of his own body and he was severely confused. "...Mhm?" He swallowed something as Max pulled the item out.
"You, change your clothes and put this on." Max grabbed a maid costume and threw it onto Rino, who wasn't sure about this. "Do it, NOW." Max demanded fiercely, his eyes full of rage as Rino's was filled with uneasiness. He nodded and changed at his will.
A few minutes later, Rino was in a very questionable maid outfit.
"There we go... Good boy." Max smirked. Rino continued to sit on the sofa, still drowsy looking.
"What now..." Rino asked quietly as Max took something out, lifted up Rino's skirt and shoved the item into him, causing a scream from the boy as tears filled his eyes. "Stop!!"
"That woke you up a bit didn't it?" Max sighed as he took the water bottle Rino drank out of earlier, and opened it. He shoved the water down Rino's throat as it spilled onto him, as it ran down his chin and onto his body, him trying to get Max away while he was forced to drink water. "Don't try to go against me slut!" Max shouted as Rino swallowed the water, him becoming more drowsy, before knocking out. "What a cute dumbass... I think into blondies like him..." Max turned on a switch as Rino's body shook. "This is fun..." Max said softly as he leaned in and bit on Rino's ear, as he was rubbing something with his right hand, and with his left hand he was pulling at something else; twisting it.

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