Maxios' Tachikaze Decklist & Question and Answers (No One-shot, sorry!)

120 12 74

Maxios: Heyo! I haven't updated the deck in awhile, so excuse me for the slightly outdated deck. I only added a few footnotes. Ok, have fun!!

Grade 0
4x Ancient Dragon, Dinodile (Critical)

Maxios: Basically a Soulcharge and Countercharge during desperate times XD

1x Baby Camara (Starting Vanguard)

4x Cannon Fire Dragon, Parasaulauncher (Critical; Gaia Crit)

4x Cannon Fire Dragon, Sledge Ankylo (Draw; Margal Clone)

4x Savage Healer (Heal)

Maxios: If you run no heals... I applaud you.

Grade 1
4x Cold Dragon, Freezernyx (MVP)

Maxios: This card is broken. As long as it's retired (it doesn't have to be retired by effect, so if you can call a unit over it... yeah.) you can cc 1/sc 1. That's why Dinodile is for desperate situations... Cause this guy will fix your problems for you

4x Prism Bird (G1 Stride Cost + Searcher)

4x Savage Guardian (Perfect Guard G)

3x Winged Dragon, Beamptero

Maxios: This guy helps with columns as he can easily give a 3k and revive. Basically a better Margal

Grade 2
3x Beam Dragon, Apatomaser

4x Blade Dragon, Jigsawsaurus

Maxios: Get your free draws here, roll up, roll up!

3x Explosive Dragon, Sarcoblaze

Maxios: Rarely use him

Grade 3
4x Emperor Dragon, Gaia Emperor (Avatar)

Maxios: This guy is superior to the new one by far. The stride skill is amazing as it makes Freezernyx and Camara broken as hell! Plus I can hear Shadow Paladin users begging Bushi for the revival skill but they'll never get it cause they got Edgy Wizards calling two units instead huehuehue

4x Rage Dragon, Tyrannobrute (Back up)

Grade 4 (G-Deck)
4x Absolute Ruler, Gluttony Dogma (Restand the Vanguard!!)

Maxios: Finish them with this

4x Destruction Tyrant, Archraider

Maxios: More like Arch-never used

4x Destruction Tyrant, Gradogigant (MVP)

Maxios: Basically right, this makes Freezernyx and Camara broken even more and free draws. Plus this guys can get a +15k buff which makes his attack alone a 41k swing. Mind blown yet? (And they asked why I changed to Tachikaze, psh, I gave away my Scrub Paladins to my edgy brother and then I moved onto the discount Paladins from Zoo, psh, I'm so epic)

4x Iron Armor Chancellor, Dimor Phalanx (G Guardian)

Maxios: I bet he isn't even part dinosaur

Maxios: Q N A!!

Q) To Yza-
Go around screaming "Ayaza-kun" like that one guy does with Izaya

Yza: ...why?! *sigh* AYAZA-KUN!! AYAZA-KUN!!! AYAZA-KUN!!!

Ayaza: Yes? And when did you use honorifics?


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