Turn 39: Friends' Fight

141 14 49

Shika turned off the tv as he stood up.
"...its time." He smirked.

(Insert theme song here)

Rukia Takanori

Today, 13:27

Break a leg Rukia!

Thanks Yza 😄

And good luck!!! ✊

Thanks XD



Today, 13:28

Yo Shika

Yrs Ryu?

Good luck out there bud, I believe in u bestie XD

U never call me bestie, Ill buy u the twinkie later k

Thanks dude XD

"I'm set..." Rukia ran to the stage.

"Note to self, buy Ryu some twinkies when I get back." Shika said to himself as he ran to the arena.

"In the blue corner, its the Jewel Knight's leader, Rukia Takanori!!" The announcer exclaimed as Rukia ran out, blue light following her.
"And in the red corner, its the leader of the bloodball team, its Shika Akia!!" The announcer exclaimed, as Shika charged out with a red light barely keeping up with him. He slammed the deck onto the tower as Rukia placed her down aswell.
"I'll make sure to win against you this time!" Rukia exclaimed.
"No way, I'm all set to crush you to oblivion and beyond." Shika smirked.
"Still reckless as ever." Rukia laughed.
"Anyways," Shika laughed aswell.
"STAND UP VANGUARD!!" They both exclaimed.
"Mecha Anaylser!" Shika exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding dark green.
"Dreaming Jewel Knight, Tiffany!" Rukia exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding light blue. "Stand and draw! I ride Melmy, Tiffany moves and end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw, ride Verdi and pull back Anaylser! With a boost, attack! (7000 > 12000)" Shika exclaimed.
"No guard!" Rukia replied.
"Drive check! (Liar Lips) Nice! A critical! All effects to vanguard! (12000 > 17000/1★ > 2★)" Shika smirked.
"Lucky... Damage check! (Fearless Jewel Knight, Julia, Jewel Knight, Sabermy)" Rukia gritted her teeth.
"Turn end." Shika replied.

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw, ride Kymbelinus and call Bartram and Altgaro! With a boost from Bartram, Altgaro attacks! (9000 > 13000)" Rukia declared.
"No guard! (Moodmaker Nyanrook) No, NYANROOK-SAMA!!" Shika anime cried.
Rukia sweatdropped. "Skill of Altgaro, soulblast and search deck for a grade 1. Superior call, Christine! Skill, counterblast and reveal Salome in hand, I superior call Ashlei and at end of turn, she returns to hand!" Rukia smirked.
"A grade 3 already? Psh, who cares," Shika laughed.
"I care..." Rukia deadpanned. "Vanguard attack! (9000 > 14000)"
"No guard!" Shika replied.
"Drive check! (Jewel Knight, Tranmy) No trigger." Rukia sighed.
"Damage check! (Cobalt Impulse)" Shika gritted his teeth.
"Then Ashlei! (11000 > 18000)" Rukia exclaimed.
"No guard aswell! (Cheer Girl, Pauline) Draw trigger! Power to vanguard and draw! (7000 > 12000)" Shika replied, thinking, "Three damage already... Damn it."
"Turn end. Skill, I return Ashlei to hand and discard a card. Skill of Bartram, return to deck and draw a card." Rukia replied.

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