Once we are settled into our rooms, we are asked to shower by our fellow Amity companions.
They don't have to tell me twice.
I quickly grab a towel and start making my way to the bathroom.
I see Tris in the hallway on the same mission as me. I give her a small smile and she shoots me one back.
It doesn't seem radiant like it used to. I make a mental note to ask her about what she's been dealing with later on.
But that will come after I have gotten clean.
The bathroom is a medium large white-tiled room with about seven stations to shower at, all except one is occupied.
There are no curtains.
I quickly make my way to the only open station, angling my back away from the other occupants along the way so that won't spot my tattoo, and - with much reluctance - set my towel at my feet.
There aren't any places to hang towels up either.
When I look up to turn on the shower, I see that there is a sign right next to the dial. It reads, To conserve resources, showers only run for five minutes.
Convient... I think.
But once I turn on the water, I come to the conclusion that I wouldn't want it to run any longer than five minutes anyway.
It's freezing cold.
I waste no time lathering myself up with the scrawny bar of soap they gave us and then rinsing off with the entirely too cold water. I am done just in time for the water to turn off.
Despite the fact that the water had to be a couple degrees below zero, there something soothing about having to not think about anything for a while, simply the water coursing over your body and the soap stinging your cuts and scrapes from previous fights.
They are much easier to deal with rather than thoughts of war and memories of the many deaths of the innocent Abnegation.
Sometimes pain soothes pain.
Once the water is off and the thoughts come rushing back, I briskly wrap my lower half up in my towel and procede to leave the bathroom.
Time to go to work.
Bare Hands (Sequel To No Sympathy)
ספרות חובביםThere are two sides to every argument. You guys asked for it and I delivered! The sequel to No Sympathy! In this book, there will be events from Insurgent, in Four's P.O.V., and altered slightly by me! All characters go to Veronica Roth! :D Highe...