Chapter 1: 5 More Days

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A/N: Hello fellow readers. This is my first book so help me if I do something wrong. I hope you guys will enjoy the story. Just to let you know, you don't have to read it, but if you do, feel free and make sure to vote, comment, and follow 😊.
Jennifer's POV:

May 14, 2012

I woke up to the sun beaming on my face and the sound of my alarm going off. I slightly opened my eyes to check the time 6:00 the clock read. I stretched my arm and hit the snooze button and laid in bed for 5 more minutes to gain enough energy to get up and get ready for school.

Finally, getting up, I threw my legs to the edge of the bed lazily, stretching out my limbs and hearing a few bones pop in a good way. I sighed before heading to my closet going through my drawers picking out black matching undergarments, a black sleeveless crop top, a camouflage pants, and my red and black Nike air foamposite one metallic red shoes soon displaying them on my bed. I didn't care what clothes I chose cause I was basically invisible to everyone in school, no one paid any attention to me, including the teachers.

Going to the bathroom to take a shower, washing my hair and body soon getting done in 15 minutes. I grabbed my towel wrapped it around my body before heading to the sink brushing my teeth and using mouthwash after. When I got done, I went to my room dried myself and put on my matching undergarments then my outfit on that I had laid out.

(Picture Below Jennifer's Outfit)

(Picture Below Jennifer's Outfit)

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Looking at the time 7:01. Quickly, retrieving from on top of the nightstand my hairband and my watch before walking quickly to the living room getting my book bag, taking out my lanyard which had my ID hanging from it. Putting it on, I then stuffed my books, phone, ear buds, charger, and wallet before going to the kitchen to get the keys off the counter to lock my apartment door. Getting ready to go to school.

Walking towards the bus stop, sitting down on the hard metal bench soon taking out my phone and ear buds out of my bag, I waited for a couple of minutes for the bus to get here.

When the city bus arrived I glanced down to my watch 7:20 it read. Getting up from my spot soon getting in and paying, I sat down in the front row noticing the back of the bus packed. I pulled out my phone from my pocket changing the song as looked out the window watching cars pass on by.

Looking out the window noticing that we had passed Starbucks and Arby's which meant that school was just ahead. I took off my earphones and wrapped it around my phone, putting it in my back pocket soon pulling on the wire that was above to window of the bus to stop, I thanked the bus driver and headed towards school.

[Italics mean they are speaking in Spanish]

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