Chapter 41: Twin Fathers and Twin Daughters Day Out

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(5 years later)

Laurent's POV:
I wake up to da sound of my alarm along wit Larry. I got up and took a quick shower before my brother. Finishing up, I went to Love and Mercy's room seeing them playing wit they stuffed animals.

Lau: Come on my babies let's go.

Love&Mercy: Where we going papa?

Lau: You...

Larry: You papa's are going to take you to da park, get some ice cream whatever my daughters want.

Lau: Oui what you papa larry say. Come on let's take off you PJs and change you into clean clothes.

Getting them changed and telling larry to wait outside in the car. I went to my room seeing J sleeping, I walked over to the bed crouched down and began whispering in her ear.

Lau: J?....babe.

J: *stirs around* Hum?

Lau: We leaving okay.

J: Okay baby, just...just please take care and watch the girls, don't let yours and larry's eyes off them.

Lau: Promise, okay. Get some more sleep. *kisses J's forehead* Bye.

Just like we promised, we took Love and Mercy out. First place we went to was da park.

Love: You play with us.

Mercy: Please.

They looked at me and larry with those puppy eyes, we nodded in response cause that was what we were here for.

Larry: Okay. Dis i...

Before larry could say anything, the girls had ran to jungle gym. When stood der for couple seconds, till we begin to pretend run towards dem. An hour and a half or so, of us playing with them we was tired.

Mercy: Papa play.

Larry: I can't *takes deep breath* I getting to old.

Lau: You go play babies, we watch you.

They nodded their heads and went to the swings. Mon frère and me took a seat on the bench as we watched in a distance, love holding the swing helping mercy until she was able to get on it.

Larry: Que pensez-vous de mon frère? (What are you thinking about my brother?)

Lau: Oh, um juste, ils sont beaux. (Oh, um just, they are beautiful.)

Larry: Oui, ils sont parce que je les ai fait. (Yes, they are because I made them.)

I looked at him with a really nigga look before punching his shoulder.

Larry: Je blague, je blague. (I joke, I joke.)

Another hour had past. I grabbed my water bottle opened it when I was drinking it, I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked at larry.

Lau: Quoi? (What?)

Larry: Puis-ie en avoir? (Can I have some?)

Lau: Where's you water?

Larry: I forget.

I sighed not wanting to give up my water, but eventually did before sipping I little bit more handing it to him.

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