Chapter 40: Excited

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(Several months later)

Jennifer's POV:
I was just fixing lilo, grace and myself a plate of  spaghetti alla carbonara with some bread on the side, in the dining room.

Jennifer's POV:I was just fixing lilo, grace and myself a plate of  spaghetti alla carbonara with some bread on the side, in the dining room

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There was loud screams coming from the living room that came from Lilo and Grace.

*J mumbles: *gasps* My babies.*

I dropped the silverware, grabbing the knife that was on the kitchen counter bolting out like bullet and was in the living room in less than 20 seconds. Just I got there Lilo and Grace were missing. Sprinting upstairs quietly opening the twin girls bedroom door seeing they sleeping, I went to their crib putting my hand on the wooden gate and eyed them carefully noticing they were untouched, left how I had left them. I sighed in relief and took a breath in. Before I was about to turn around I felt presence behind me, gripping the knife that was close to my chest. Swiftly turning around point the knife towards the intruder.

It was no intruder, just laurent.

Lau: Woah.

J: Lau.

The end of the knife was at his neck.

Lau: *laughs nervously* Is me babe.

He said meanwhile larry came in stopping dead in his tracks.

Larry: Lau where....Woah. J what you doin?... Non kill mon frère s'il vous plaît.

J: I...

Larry: Step away from da girls and put da knife down babe.

I processed everything that was happening, looked at my hand gripping the girls crib, I shook my head letting my hand fall to my side.

J: I-I wasn't going to hurt them. I...lilo and grace screamed and when I went to the living room to see the reason why they screamed. When I got there they weren't there. I went up here to check on the girls first, then I was going to Lilo's and Grace's.

Letting the knife hit the floor, I lunged forward embracing lau tightly and began apologizing.

Lau: It okay.

J: I'm s....

Lau: You non needed to explain. I could see it in you eyes, you was just protecting us daughters.

I pulled away and pecked his lips. As I was about to pull away lau pulled my bottom lip and deepened it into a hot make out session.

Larry: Non, non bro we got kids here.

Larry pulled laurent away from me and crashed his lips.

Lau: Really mon frère?

Larry: What I was just giving her a simple kiss, she my wife.

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