Chapter 17: Custody

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~Same day~

Lau's POV:
We were sitting on the couch watching a movie. I was on one side and larry on the other. J had her head on larry lap and she legs was on my lap. Out of nowhere, she wanted to speak to larry privately. They went up upstairs and I sat here alone watching the movie.

Larry POV:
I was playing with J's hair, thinking damn her hair is so soft and long. I heard a voice breaking me from my thoughts.

J: Larry can I talk to you for a sec.

Larry: Oui, belle.

We head upstairs, to she room. I go sit down on she bed hearing the door lock. She hops on the bed crisscross applesauce getting comfortable.

J: Larry, I wanna talk about lilo.

Larry: *sighs* okay.

J: Well, I've thinking about it lately....i-if you were okay, if we. I-I mean, I be lilo's....m-mother *playing with hands*

Taking in what she just said had me thinking, but eventually had to give her an answer.

Larry: So what you sayin, is you wanna be, in my daughters life.

She nods her head playing with the sheets of the bed, probably nervous of my response.

Larry: Um, Layla called a few times, but I non answer her. Then she send messages sayin she gonna take lilo away from me.

J: She can't do that, she's your child too. Why is she doing this? Is it cause of me cause I could go, I'll do anything for lilo to stay, I just love her so much larry.

Larry: Non, you not go nowhere, you stayin here wit us.

J: What are you going to do, if I stay here?

Larry: I want full custody of my babygirl.

J: Layla won't let you take lilo.

Larry: I know, but we got proof. And I do love how you always make her happy all the time. *stands up from the bed* What I tryin to say is, I would love you to be in she life.

Answering she question. She look up at me, smiling from ear to ear, jumping off the bed, she gave me a hug and I couldn't hold my balance, making us both fall on the floor.

*Door opens*

Lau: What the fuck?

Larry: Bro, it not what it look like.

Lau: Really!? Cause from were I standing, it not look like it nothing.

J: Lau, we weren't doing anything. I promise you... I

Lau: Tais-toi (Shut up)!!! Get out of here.

J: *cries* L-lau please j-just listen for a..a sec.

Lau: Non, layla was right you are a hoe, trying to be wit one then the other.

J: *crying on the floor* P-please s-stop, d-don't make me feel dirtier, than I already am.



Larry: Look *points at J. Lau doesn't look* LOOK!! You hurting her, brother.

*Larry thoughts: What has gotten into mon frère, he not like this*

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