Chapter 19: Please Don't

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I'm sorry 😞 for updating late. Please forgive me.
Jennifer's POV:
I woke up early in the morning, to go drop off my girls at my cousins house, not really knowing if she was going to be awake, but from what I saw, she was up and about, probably she was up earlier. Damn, she's crazy I would've still be sleeping till they called me to open the door, still love her though. Now I'm here defiantly alone at home with no one. I stayed home the whole day cleaning up whatever I saw, was dirty. Finishing my chores, I watched 'The Hobbit' all three of them, my favorite movies. Looking at the time it was now 8:15 in the afternoon, deciding to go take a shower, taking my undergarments with me. As soon as I get in I started to sing 'I see fire' by ed sheeran. Taking my time showering.

Finally feeling refreshed I turned off the water getting my towel drying myself, then putting on my bra and panties, wrapping the towel over myself, opening the bathroom door to head to my room. Just as I stepped out, I was pushed against the wall harshly, I was about to scream when the person covered my mouth soon speaking.

???: Hola, mami (Hey, bebe)

Recognizing the voice, my body went in complete shock, Jason.

Jason: Te ves hermosa. (You look beautiful) *touches J's cheek with the back of his hand* pero no se si tu cuerpo se ve igula, bamos a ver. (But I'm not sure if your body looks the same, let's take a look) *pulls towel off J's body*

J: Porfavor no. (Please don't) *pushes Jason's hands away*

Jason: *anger filled his voice* No me digas lo que tengo que aser, tu eres mia. (Don't tell me what to do, your mine!!!!) *raises fist to J's face*

 (Don't tell me what to do, your mine!!!!) *raises fist to J's face*

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J: N-no me peges. *whispers* (D-don't hit me) *turns head closing her eyes*

Jason: Creo que necesitas estar castigada, porque pareces no entender me.*whispers in J's ear* (I think you need to be punished, cause you seem not to understand me) *throws J over his shoulder*


I was putting up a fight, but he wouldn't budge, as soon as I get thrown onto Lau's bed, he begins to kiss me, but instead of kissing him back, I bit his lip, earning a hard slap on my face by him.

J: Ahhh!!!

He let's go, unbuckling his pants and I try to make a run for it, but only to get yanked back by my hair.

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