Chapter 30: Pregnant

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Jennifer's POV:
~3 weeks later~
I woke up to the sun beaming through my curtain. Fluttering my eyes open, I throw the covers over sitting up against the edge of the bed stretching. Finally having enough energy to get up I went to the bathroom to do my business, washing my hands after, then brushing my teeth. Before heading out the bedroom I grabbed the hair tie that was on top of the drawer, tying my hair in a messy bun. I went downstairs, into the kitchen I grab a bowl from the top cabinet setting it down on the table. Grabbing the corn flakes that were on top of the fridge and taking out the milk fixing myself a bowl of cereal. After putting everything away, I plopped on the couch reaching the remote turning the TV on watching 'The Real' munching on my cereal. Just as I had finished my cereal my stomach started growling. I got up heading to the kitchen again taking out the eggs, pancake mix, and sausage. While I was cooking my phone rang I ran to my room grabbing my phone.

Phone Convo:
J: Hello? *goes downstairs to the kitchen*

Noely: Hola? (Hello?)

J: Hola noely, que pasa? (Hey noely, what's up?)

Noely: Oh nada, nomas queria saber como as estado. (Oh nothing, I just wanted to know how you were doing?)

J: Estoy bien nomas asiendo comida. (I'm good, just here making food.)

Noely: Antes de que te deje, como estan esos dos jemelos. (Before I let you go, how are them two twins?)

J: Estan bien creo? (Their good I think?)

Noely: Como que cres? Donde estan? (What do you mean you think? Where are they?)

J: Ellos no estan aqui. Se fueron ase tres semanas a trabajar, pero bienen en dos semanas. (They're not here. They left about three weeks ago for work, but they come back in two weeks.)

Noely: Okay, nomas para dejarte saber que voy a ir a tu casa mañana. (Okay, just to let you know I gonna go to your house tomorrow.)

J: Porque? (Why?) *finishes cooking, putting her food on her plate*

Noely: No me digas porque? A mi. (Don't you why? Me.)

J: Okay perdon. (Okay I'm sorry *goes to the living room and sits on the couch*.)

Noely: Yo nomas quiero pasar tiempo contigo si, si puedo pases tiempo con mi prima. Esta bien contigo. (I just wanna go and spend some time with you yes, yes can I spend some time wit my own cousin. Is that okay witchu.)

She says sarcastically the last part.

J: Okay, okay esta bien. (Okay, okay fine. Please don't act smart with me alright.)

Noely: Que no ise nada. (What I didn't do nothing *chuckles*)

J: Okay te veo aqui mañana pues. (Okay I'll see you here tomorrow then.)

Noely: Si. (Yes.)

J: Okay bye.

Noely: Bye.

Phone Convo End

I put my phone down on the mini table by the couch and ate this delicious food, continuing to watch TV. It was 5:26pm and I decided to take a little nap before I start cleaning. I turned the TV off going to my bedroom, retrieving a blanket from the closet. I went downstairs making myself conformable on the couch closing my eyes soon taking a nap.

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