Chapter 20: Taken

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Jennifer's POV:
I had woken up feeling something behind my back and arms around my waist. Turning around I see a laurent sleeping peacefully. I try getting up, but only to get brought back down. Now full awake.

Lau: Non go, belle

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Lau: Non go, belle.

He said in his morning deep french accent. I told him I have to go pick up my girls from my cousins. Finally letting go, I sit up taking a step forward falling to the floor, instantly feeling pain in my center.

J: Ohhh god.

Lau: *hops out of bed helping J* You okay, J.

J: It hurts.

*J's thoughts: I hate Jason. why me? I did nothing to him to deserve this*

Then I felt a hand brush against my cheek. I didn't know I was crying.

Lau: Non cry.

J: I'm sorry.

Lau: For what, it not you fault. You not doing anything wrong.

Wiping off my tears he stood me up having his right arm around my waist as I had my left arm around his neck.

J: Can you take me.

Lau: Yea, baby I take you.

He carried me bridal style all the way to the car, after I told him not to. I feel so vulnerable and helpless because people are not gentle and sweet like lau and larry are, they are just different from other guys, I feel like I could trust them. Breaking me out of my thoughts by lau closing the door, afterwards going around to his side, we were driving off to Noely's place. Arriving there lau told me he'll go get the girls. I waited and looked in the rear view mirror seeing lau coming back. Without the girls.

J: The girls?

Lau: You cousin non let me.

*J's thoughts: I forgot to introduce lau and larry to noely*

J: Help me out please.

I know noely, she wouldn't let anyone she didn't know come close to what she is responsible for. He came to my side helping me out. I told him not to carry me because she will start asking questions and I don't want that cause it will eventually slip out of my mouth and noely will hurt him if he's the one who did this. Walking to the front door I knocked, she swung the door open yelling and cussing in spanish. When she saw me, her face softened.

Noely: J vino un hombre alto con tatuajes pidiendo por las niñas y... (J some tall guy came, with tattoos asking for the girls and... )

I looked behind me seeing the reason why she stopped talking.

Noely: Que chingados, que estas asiendo aqui guey... (What the fuck!!, what are you doing here fucker...)

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