Chapter 6: The Call

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~same night~

Larry's POV:
When I saw the way she move her hips side to side, believe me my mind was thinking dirty. Turning my attention to the guys the way they look at her was getting me mad. When my brother clear his throat, they non pay attention so I look at them hitting they arm telling them to show respect. When she leave we went to the living room and talk.

Diablo: Who was that girl, man?

Larry: Me and my Bro got a housekeeper.

Regi: Bro, I wanna hit that.

Shaun creativity: How old is she?

Lau: No you not goin to hit that *points at Regi* and she just 17.

Waydi: Who's girlfriend? *pointing at lau and larry*

I didn't know what to say so lau talk saying she not our girlfriend, plus that we already have girls. It true, but she just something else.

Diablo: Man that sucks, I wanted her, but I guess that's a no.

Larry: You was not going to have her anyway, bro.

Diablo: why you say that man?

Lau: Because you can get girls anyway.

Regi, Waydi, Shaun creativity: *Laughing*

Diablo: Bro, shut up wit that. I can get girls.

Lau: Yea, when is last time you talk to one?

Then we all start to laugh.

Diablo: Whatever. So larry when is lilo coming?

*Larry's thoughts: Oh shit I totally forgot bout that*

Larry: Um, she come tomorrow and stay a week cause layla workin and plus we got a week off too.

We then start to play video games, eat food, and watch movies. When sleep start to consume us.

Jennifer's POV:
How embarrassing was that and they brought their friends, that's even more embarrassing, why didn't I hear the door open. The way lau and larry were starring gave me the chills. I swear I felt something happened in the pit of my stomach and in between my legs. I never felt this way before.

I've been working for the twins for two weeks now and...

The ringing to my phone interrupting my train of thoughts. Looking at the ID caller said private. I answered the phone.

Jennifer: Bueno. (Hello)

???: Si señorita Martinez. (Yes miss Martinez)

Jennifer: Si soy yo... Um perdon pero con quien estoy hablando? (Yes this is she... Um sorry but with whom am I speaking to?)

???: Perdon, soy la doctora Sanchez hablando del hospital de los niños. (Sorry, this is Dr. Sanchez, I'm calling from children's hospital)

Jennifer: Oh si, con que puedo ayudarle doctora. (Oh yes, how may I help you Dr.)

Dr. Sanchez: Nomas a recordarle que ya puedes venir y... (I just want to remind you that can come and...)

I cut her off telling her I'll be there and hanging up, getting out the house going to larry and Lau's house. I opened the door seeing them and their friends asleep in the living room. I was looking around the room for some car keys until my eyes spotted some keys on the coffee table.

*Jennifer mumbles: I think larry wouldn't mind*

Closing the door quietly I went to the garage taking his white Lamborghini, leaving.
(Picture below of Larry's car)

As I arrived at the hospital I asked the lady at the front desk for Dr

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As I arrived at the hospital I asked the lady at the front desk for Dr. Sanchez. She then told me to wait. I sat down in the waiting room for 4 minutes until Dr. Sanchez called my name, going to her office.

Dr. Sanchez: Bueno señorita todo su ve normal y es una bebe sadudable. (Well, miss everything seem to be normal and she is one healthy baby)

Jennifer: So ya me la puedo llevarmela. (So I can take her now)

Dr. Sanchez: Si nomas tienes que firma unos papeles y ya te la puedes llebar. (Yes, I just need you to sign couple papers and you could take her)

I okayed her signing the papers and she took me to see my baby.
(Picture below of Jennifer's baby)

Jennifer: Hola Hermosa ya estas lista para ir te con mami

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Jennifer: Hola Hermosa ya estas lista para ir te con mami. (Hey beautiful, ready to go now with mommy)

Picking her up, thanking the doctor and saying goodbye. Putting my baby in the car seat strapping her in, I then hopped in starting, the car ready to go home.

~Time laps home~
It was about 1:35am when I arrived safely home putting larry's car back safe and sound. I looked in the rear view mirror seeing she is sound asleep, taking out the car seat, I went to the guest house going upstairs to my bedroom taking my baby out the car seat carefully putting her onto my bed surrounding her with pillows 1 above her head, 1 below were her feet were, 1 on her left side, and finally putting 1 on her right side just in case if she falls. I changed into my PJ's going to the restroom to brush my teeth, when I finished I stood at the end of my bed going down on my knees saying a quick prayer thanking the lord for my baby. Crawling onto my bed pulling the covers I stood there looking at her for a while, until my eyelids were starting to get heavy taking me into a slumber sleep.
I'm sorry if there were any mistakes.

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