Chapter 16: Day Off (part II)

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Jennifer's POV:

Lau: Belle can I kiss you.

J: ...

Oh god, I'm confused I don't know what to do. I'm scared and anxious.

Lau: Belle, can I kiss you?

He repeated, I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. My mind was telling me 'No', but my body was telling me 'yes'. Not even even knowing that my head was nodding yes. I soon feel a pair of lips, kiss me rough and passionately at the same time.

Lau: You don't know how long I've been waiting to do this?

I feel his hands pull on the hem of my short's. As he did that memories were coming back to my head of what happed to me when I was just a little girl, it haunted me.

J: *whispered against his lips* Lau no, I can't do this.

Lau: *pulls away* I understand. *he's feeling ashamed and embarrassed* You non like me.

J: Lau n...

Lau: You like my brother, right.

J: I did not say that, lau. I just can't.

Lau: It fine. *gets clothes* merci for my clothes. *walks out closing the door*

Jennifer mumbles: Its not your fault, *cries* perdoname (forgive me).

I was scared, afraid if he will do the same thing, he did to me. I went to bed and cried myself to sleep.

Larry's POV:
I heard and saw everything. I back up against the wall, seeing my brother walk out the room. I felt he pain and that made me feel upset. He closed his door and I pushed myself off the wall going into J's room, I see her crying. I sat on the chair waiting patiently for her to calm down, after like 25mintues of her crying, everything got quiet. I got up from the spot I was on and went over to her, sitting on she bed I stared at her wondering, what happened to her? She opened her eyes looking around until her eyes locked with mine.

Larry: You okay, belle. *worried tone*

J: *tears start to build in her eyes* I didn't mean to hurt him. *starts to cry*

Larry: Come here. *pulls her onto his lap, rubbing her back* He going to be fine.

J: I-I don't know what t-to do?. I'm so afraid. *sobs in the crook of his neck*

Larry: Tell me what you so afraid of, belle? *concerned voice*

J: I c-can't.

Larry: Take you time. I wait, when you ready to tell me.

J: *straddling larry's lap* Please, don't let me go.

Larry: I won't. *wraps arms around her waist*

*Larry's thoughts: Why is she acting like this?, what can she not tell us?.*

I wanted some answer's, but it seem that I won't be able to get them sooner or later. Moments later I felt breathing on my neck and I new she had went to sleep cause the crying had stopped. I try to move, to lay her on she bed, but as I did she moved her hips getting comfortable to find a good spot and feeling her lips touch my neck. I groaned in silence getting turned on of her constant moving and may I remind you, she is just in basketball short's and a bra. Finally stopping, I lay back with J on top of me. I closed my eyes deciding I should get some sleep, even though it was early in the morning.

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