Chapter 15: Day Off

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Lau's POV:
I woke up with larry laying on my lap, seeing the time it was 9:23am. Thoughts came following back to, what had happened the other day, with J and Jason, the fear in her eyes told me something had happened when she was small. After a couple minutes of thinking, I tap larry on the cheek, he start to open his eyes, eventually now sitting up yawning and stretching as I do the same.

Larry: Bonjour, mon frère.

Lau: Bonjour

Larry: *stands up* I'm going to make breakfast, but first let me go check on J to see how she doin.

Lau: Aight, I was about to check on her too.

As we head upstairs I opened the door quietly not to wake her up. I looked seeing she was on the bed, with just her bra and panties.

Geez I should have waited

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Geez I should have waited. I was staring at her and my brother hit my back whispering I want to see. I still didn't move from the position I was in so larry pushed me down so he could take a look to.

Larry: Holy Merde.

Lau: Shhhh

I tell him cause he say that loud, then I hear some movement knowing she now wake up. J sits up on the edge of the bed soon standing up going to her closet moving her hair to one side and I see her unhook her bra, which made beast excited.

*Lau's thoughts: I know this wrong to be in she privacy, but she not know what she do to me*

My eyes then caught something, I didn't think she would have; as if my brother saw the same thing I see, he said so I could only hear, when she get tattoo?. It ran down her spin and stop right above she butt. I was trying to read what it say but it seem to be in different language.
(Picture of how the tattoo looks like)

She went in she closet, coming out, now wearing different kind of bra

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She went in she closet, coming out, now wearing different kind of bra. She turned now facing the mirror, moving her hands to her head ruffling her hair, as she do that, I spot another tattoo on she rib cage that say Trust N...
(Picture below is how the tattoo looks like, but it doesn't say that it say trust nobody)

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