Chapter 2: Awoken

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Jennifer's POV:
*Ring, ring, ring, ring*

I was sleeping peacefully, until I was awoken up by loud ringing noise beside my bed. And I knew it wasn't my alarm.

I looked at the time.

*Jennifer's thought's: What in the hell!? Who the fuck is calling me this late at night!? ME! *sighs* It better be something good or else

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*Jennifer's thought's: What in the hell!? Who the fuck is calling me this late at night!? ME! *sighs* It better be something good or else...*

I answered the phone without looking at the name thinking it was Noely.

Phone Convo:
Jennifer: Bueno... (*raspy sleepy tone* Hello...)

No answer.

Jennifer: Noely, porque me estas hablando a estas horas? (*sighs* Noely, why are you calling me during these hours?)

???: *clears throat* *Nervous tone* U-um, s-sorry miss, but I no speaking spanish.

I sat up quickly in my dark room with my eyes opening wide when I heard a male voice on the other side of the line.

Jennifer: *clears throat* Oh, m-my apologies sir. *sincere tone* Not trying to sound rude or anything... But um, may I ask who is calling? How did you get my number? And Why you're calling this late at night, sir?

???: I very, very sorry that I interrupt you sleep, mademoiselle (Miss). Um, my name is Larry Bourgeois. How I got you number is I...I...I saw a flyer for housekeeper and took the paper. I calling to see if you is a-available still.

Jennifer: *happy tone* Y-yes of course.

Larry: O-okay.

I tried my best to contain all the happiness I had in me and not scare him off or into making him think that I was crazy.

Larry: I-I going to send you m-my address... Um, is tomorrow okay for, for see you.

Jennifer: Yes... tommorow is fine.

Larry: Okay den. Goodnight m-miss.

Jennifer: Buenas noches Larry.
Phone Convo Ends

After quickly ended the call, it was hard for me to go back to sleep because of how excited I was, but sleep had eventually taking over me.

Larry's POV:
~Before the call had happened~

Its 8:20pm. Me and my broder had just gotten back to the hotel and now we on our way out again because the crew invite us to go wit them to "Midnight's Club," I told them I no feel like going, but I got tired of dem bugging me, so I gave up and said yes. I took 10 min shower, now I changing for the club tonight.

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