Chapter 34: Honeymoon

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Sorry for the late update peeps please forgive me.
Lau's POV:

Just as me and mon frère got out the vehicle larry spoke.

Larry: I be back d'accord.

Lau: Hu? Where you g...

But he had already left before I could say anything. I opened the door for J, but there was no sign of her getting out. I looked in the car seeing J sleeping in the backseat. Pulling her legs making her slide to the end of the seat, making it an easy access for me to carry her. Larry came back and I told him to get her shoes. We boarded us private jet and I laid her on the couch bed. On us way to Paris for our honeymoon.

*Lau's thoughts: Dis is going to be the best night of her life.*

Me and larry sat right in front of her watching her sleep peacefully. Then larry spoke breaking the silence.

Larry: Even when she sleep, she beautiful.

Lau: *smiles* Oui... belle.

But eventually we both had fallen asleep.

~Arriving Paris~
I had woken up with just in time of us landing to Paris. I was about to sit up and stretch, but I heard someone grunt making me put my legs back on the couch, looking down I see larry on da floor.

Larry: Ugh. *opens eyes*

Lau: Why you on da floor bro?

Larry: You push me off *gets up* and I just lay here cause it was comfortable. *stretches*

Lau: Je suis désolé mon frère.

Larry: It okay, but for us next place we going, you sleep on da floor.

I walked passed him getting our luggage passing it to our driver dat was outside. Getting the last of our luggage, getting off I gave it to the driver, turning around I saw larry carrying a still sleeping J in he arms.

*Lau's thoughts: Damn, she still sleeping*

Larry went around and told me to open the door for him, as soon as he got in I went to the other getting in myself behind the empty passenger seat.

Driver: *looks in rear view mirror* Sir where too?

Lau: Take us to da hotel, s'il vous plaît.

Driver: Yes sir.

I turned my head to look at my wife her hands were wrapped around larry's torso looking comfortable, meanwhile larry's arms wrapped around her securing-ly.

Lau: You tired bro.

Larry: Oui.

Lau: Lemme hold her.

Larry: Non, I got her.

Lau: Ugh, come on...she my wife.

Larry: I non care she mine wife too. When I say I got her dat mean I got her.

Lau: Fine. I non wanna fight witchu, but when you tell me "Lau I can non feel my legs" I gon tell you "I told you so, dat what happens when you selfish."

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