Chapter 32: Wedding (Part l)

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It might have some errors, so please forgive me.
Larry's POV:
I had woken up early to go to the store to buy J a new phone cause I had broken hers. Lemme tell you what happen, you see yesterday when I was cleaning the injury on J's head I stepped on something, I backed up seeing J's clothes on the floor.

*Larry's thoughts: Lau, why you leave her clothes on da floor, the dirty basket is non here*

I got her clothes throwing it in the dirty pamper, hearing a thud hit the wall. Going to the basket I got her jeans getting her phone from the back pocket, when I turn it around I noticed her phone was all cracked.

*Larry thoughts: Geez larry, you broke her phone, but I didn't even throw her clothes that hard to break it. Larry you stepped on it too remember*

So now I'm on my way to get her a new phone. When I get der I see nobody. I went to the front pressing the bell a couple times, when I heard a lady yell.

Lady: Hold on, I'm coming.

I stepped back waiting patiently.

Lady: How can I help you? *looks up* H-hi.

Larry: Uh, hello. I'm here to get a phone.

She didn't respond me. She just kept staring at me, biting her bottom lip.

*Larry's thoughts: I non need dis right now.*

Larry: Mademoiselle, mademoiselle.

Lady: Yes, what is it that you need honey?

Larry: I just need you to go get me an iPhone.

Lady: Here you go. *touches larry's arm* anything else.

Larry: Non, thank you. Here you go *pays*

Lady: Here you go $10.34 is your change. Wait, before you leave how bout you and I...

Larry: I'm sorry miss, but no, I have to get home to my fiancé *stops at door frame* I don't need this.

I go back setting the piece of paper wit her number on da counter, leaving the store. Arriving home I closed the door, I see lau in the kitchen lookin in the fridge.

Larry: Lau?

Lau: *hits his head* ugh! Merde, bro you scared me. *rubbing the back of his head*

Larry: I'm sorry. I'll make something to eat.

Lau: Where you been?

Larry: I went to go get J a phone.

Lau: Why? What happened to hers?

Larry: It was you's fault for leaving her clothes on da floor and I step on it when I went to clean up her wound and den threw her clothes in da dirty basket making it hit the wall.

Lau: I sorry my brother.

Larry: It okay lau, I'm gonna go give it to her now. I be back to cook.

I went to her room seeing her sit up against the headboard.

Larry: Bonjour my lady.

J: *stretches* Umm, morning larry.

J: Hum *puts hand over mouth and gets up running to the bathroom*

I ran in grabbing her hair and rubbed her back as she released everything.

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