Chapter 11: Surprise (part II)

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Lau's POV:
We sat on the couch waiting for J, until we hear a scream. I turn my head to larry with a smirk on my face.

Larry: What you get her, bro?

Lau: I get her a huge bear.

We hear footsteps run downstairs I look at J, jump on me. I hug her telling her happy birthday. Larry clear his throat and I still was holding her. She tell me to put her down and I did. She went to larry, larry telling her happy birthday he hugged her lifting her off the ground making J wrap she legs around him.

*Lau thought's: I like her so much, but it seems like I non gonna have her, cause larry seem to have she attention more den me. Do I even try? Or Do I try to much?*

I was upset of what's going in my head maybe I overreacting. She went back to she room as me and my brother went to sit on the couch.

Lau: Larry I can tell you something.

Larry: *nods head* Oui (yes)

I seemed to have trouble with my words. I take deep breath and let it out. I look at my brother, wait patiently for me to speak, finally able to have guts to tell mon frère.

Lau: Bro I know you and I like J, but it seem she non even like me.

Larry: Where you going this this?

Lau: What I try to say is I wanna make her....

*throat clears* turning our heads, we see her even more gorgeous. Is it to much she said I say non while my frère say you perfect. I stand on she right and larry stand on she left, walking out the house going to ours. Opening the door letting her walk in first.


Seeing the expression on she face made my heart feel warm. The thought of her saying it was going to best birthday she had actually had, made me think she never had birthday before. She let a few tears go down her cheek as Diablo went up to her first giving her a hug and her present. Then Waydi, Regi, Shaun, boubou, Ray so on and so fourth telling her happy birthday and giving her a present. Finally lilo giving hers as well.

Jennifer: Thank you everybody, I really appreciate this so much. *kneels down to lilo* and thank you to princess. Excuse me now I gonna go get my baby.

She goes up to get grace. While they stare at us confused.

Regi: What!?

Diablo: Did she say what I think she said.

Waydi: She has a baby.

Lau: Yup, we was like that at first, but when you see that babygirl you automatically fall in love with her.

Larry: What my brother say is true, like non lie.

Lau: She beautiful like her mother.

Regi: Damn.

Larry: Sorry, bro.

She came down with grace in her arms while holding lilo's hand at the same time. She sat on the couch talking to her in spanish, which I have non idea what she say, but it sounded sexy.

Jennifer's POV:
This is amazing, best day of my life. I thanked everybody. I went upstairs with lilo following, opening the door seeing grace playing with her hands waving in the air. Lilo climbed on the bed now playing with her. I sat on the bed now carrying grace as lilo sat on my right side.

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