Chapter 33: Wedding (Part ll)

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Hello Peep's just to let you know this chapter is slightly long and forgive moi if there's any mistakes. Otherwise, (prendre plaisir) enjoy. 😊
Larry's POV:
When we got to mama's. The door was swung open and out came me and mon frère's sisters, J was was pulled away from us and into da house. My brothers came running outside tackling lau and I to da ground congratulating us. They stood up and picked me and lau dusting off da dirt and not knowing mama had come out.

Mama: Hey! Be careful with my babies, I don't want them hurt or else I'm going to hurt all of you *larry's brother's back away*

Lau&Larry: Bonjour, mama.

Mama: Hi babies. Come on.

We went inside and I saw my sisters surrounding J, looking shocked.

Larry: Sœur's, why you looking at J like dat?

Sarah: Dis is her 4th plate of food.

Lau: Leave my bébé alone, she feeding mon little beasts.

Larry: Oh, I like dat bro. Little beasts. *Lau smiles*

Elo: How do you know they are boy's? I mean they could be girl's.

Larry: We just have a feeling, but I know they going to be boys.

Elo: You wanna bet $50 on that, that both of them are going to be its going to be $100 dollars.

Lau: Larry don't.

Larry: Deal. *shakes elo's hand*

J was to into her food to hear me and my sister's convo.

J: Mmm, thank you mama this was so good.

Mama: No problem chérie.

Larry: Mama, where my babygirl's at?

Mama: Lilo in her room playing and grace is sleeping.

I went up to lilo's room seeing she playing wit her dolls. I cracked the door open walking in.

Larry: My lilo not wanna see her papa.

Lilo: Papa! *jumps off the floor hugging larry*

I peppered her with kisses and she was a giggling mess. She squirmed out of my grip making me frowned.

Lilo: *lilo kisses larry's cheek making him smile* Okay, now where ma mere?

Larry: She downstairs wit you auntie's.

Lilo: Ahhhh!

I covered my ears while she ran to the living room. Uncovering my ears I could still hear lilo's scream fading. I walked out her room about to head down when I heard whining. I opened mama's room seeing grace moving, with her little hands in the air looking around. Her mouth was open but nothang came out, looking at her facial expression I knew she was about to cry.
(Picture below of Grace)

 (Picture below of Grace)

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